I Need Some Advice

I need some advice on how to handle my ODD 16-year-old son. He's out of contol! He's been in and out of the mental wards -- and the latest is he assulted me.


Hi J.,

He sounds like a handful, just like all the other oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) teens and pre-teens I work with.

Just last night (Monday), two of the mothers in attendance at my 'ODD Seminar' were in tears regarding problems at home. It's the same story I hear again and again:

"My son...

...calls me a "bitch"
...uses the "F" word in nearly every sentence
...comes home when he wants
...leaves when he wants
...is failing at school
...is about to get kicked out of school
...has no appreciation for anything I do for him
...has threatened me
...refuses to follow any rules or do any chores
...steals, lies ...and so on."

Rather than work with parents, I used to just work with the ODD kids who had recently been discharged from placement. Then after several years of finding a formula that works with these kids, I decided to teach parents what I had learned.

So I put the method on paper in the form of a book and started a parent group (for parents with out-of-control teens and preteens).

Now all this material is online. You can literally attend my ODD Seminar from home.

If your situation is like most parents situation, things are not getting better -- they're getting worse. This is because ODD kids are what I call "unconventional" or "nontraditional." And conventional parenting strategies DO NOT WORK with these kids.

Thus, we will be looking at a set of unconventional parenting strategies in my eBook.

Please don't wait! If you decide NOT to download my eBook, you may still email me for assistance at mbhutten@yahoo.com. But I'll be able to assist you more effectively once you have gone through the Seminar: