A Parent's Spiritual Principle

Dear Members of Online Parent Support,

In case you don't know, I am a very spiritual person -- and I consider Online Parent Support to be a very spiritual place. I don't mean to sound "preachy," but I would have never made it without a deep faith in God.

God has truly blessed our website. And I believe he blesses members of Online Parent Support -- on a daily basis.

I want to share an important spiritual principle with you: What You Think About Expands. Let me help you wrap your brain around this concept.

If you believe, for example, that people cannot be trusted and that they are generally self-serving -- you will find a lot of untrustworthy, selfish individuals showing up in your life.

If you believe that your family will never experience any joy or peace -- you will find a lot of sadness and discontent arriving at your door step, not to mention living day-to-day in a near-constant state of depression and helplessness.

If you believe that your son or daughter is destined for a lifetime of failure and misery -- you're right!

Conversely, if you believe that people tend to want to live up to your trust and that they CAN be influenced to change unwanted behavior -- then you will attract numerous individuals who are trustworthy and capable of change.

If you believe that your family and children are a "work-in-progress" and that the best is yet to come -- then you will have patience with the parenting process and will see a constant, loving source of hope and reassurance for the future.

This is not hype I'm referring to here. Rather, this is a natural "law of the universe" ==> what you think about becomes your reality. We don't know why it works this way, but we have much evidence that it DOES work this way.

Here's to a better home environment,

Mark Hutten, M.A.