Things are shaping up...

Dear Mark,

I don't know if you remember me, but I am the one who sings and sent you some songs. I never did get to open your music. If there is a way you could send it again, I would like to hear it.

The reason I am writing is to say thank you for all the hours you put into this e-book on line. The support when we parents need it and all the info that is available. It has helped my situation. I at first didn't know about you or your ways of dealing with things, but I stayed the course and things are looking up.

My 17 year old has done many foolish things, but as we work things out together and I keep my poker face, things are shaping up. We have a few miles to go, but I am trusting the Lord and I keep reading all I can from the info you send.

THANK YOU so much and keep sending material that helps us parents get through these tuff years.

Blessings to you,


Online Parent Support