Problems with 11-year-old son...

Hello Mark

I'm having a lot of problems with my 11-year-old son A___. Not so much at home but at school. We find that he is unable to take it when he is in trouble and it is always someone else who started the fight. A___'s biggest problem is, he doesn’t know when to keep quite, and he is disrespectful to all the teachers, lazy both at home and at school. He does come from a broken family but has a great stepfather whom he gets on great with. A___ will be attending High School next year and this scares me because I think if he doesn’t get control of his problem he will be worst when it comes to High School. So I suppose I’m asking if we fit the part for the need of other source of help. As we have tried all that we know as parents and we want to make A___’s live better more so then worse.



Hi R.,

Well, first of all, I’m glad you have the eBook. Most of what you’ll need will be in there. If you haven’t done so already - and if you want to go the extra mile – have a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation done on your son to test for ADHD, ODD, etc. If you begin to have a lot of trouble out of him in high school, you may want to consider an alternative school setting. My juvenile clients do very well in alternative school because the classroom is smaller/less noisy, they get a lot of one-on-one attention, and they work mostly of the computer when doing lessons.


My Out-of-Control Teen