At school he is a TERROR...

Dear Mark-

I purchased your program and at the part that is basically saying, eat dinner with them and tell them good night. The program says not to skip and to read it step by step -which is fine but in the meantime things are not good! Truly at home my son is pretty good (now that I have a boyfriend that will not take his crap) but at school he is a TERROR. I get calls from the office daily. Today he stole a drink in the cafeteria then when caught shoved it across the table getting it all over another student, threatened to beat up the kid that told on him and cussed out the Principal. Well he is expelled from school for 10 days now. But this type stuff goes on *every single day*.

I take away his ps2, ground him from tv- which makes him all sad and but it is not helping the behavior at school- he acts DEVASTATED every time he gets in trouble that he just cant believe it all happened and knows he is going to be in trouble and is very upset about being in trouble - yet the behavior continues.

I will keep on doing the program but for now tonight other than eating dinner with him and telling him good night - I am simply without a clue.

Do you have any suggestions on how I can handle this tonight when I get home? He already has his ps2 and tv taken away. I know to keep my poker face but how can I effectively punish him - or get thru to him to help him not want to be such a nightmare.

It this all truly just because he want attention?

Your is appreciated-



For now, I don't want you to do anything differently than what you would ordinarily do. If we make a bunch of changes too quickly - it will backfire. Only do one session per week - and only implement one set of assignments per week. In the meantime, just do what you have been doing until you come to parts of the eBook that instruct you otherwise.


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