Many more positives here than negatives...


Thanks so much for getting back in touch.

It was very tough to arrest him BUT we did what we had to do with the information on hand. The lesson here is that he does not remember how he got there. He woke up in jail and all he remembered was that he had been with his friends the night before.. We left him in jail as long as we could so he had all of that time to think about how he got there. It scared him really bad. He got a misdemeanor charge of being under the influence as a minor and has a court date in April. He will be on Probation for 6 months-have to take drug tests , etc. He has already been through this when he was 17.

==> This is good. Now he's got a lot of accountability again.

He just turned 18 in February.

We are divorced . He had been living with me for over a year and just at his Dad's for about a month. After this, he asked if he could come back to my house. were my circumstances:

No friends over-I'm trying to sell my house.
Respect me and my house
He would have to get evaluated.
No drugs, etc. over here.

==> Good!!

We went for an evaluation on Wednesday and he was honest and cooperative. They just said he needed some Outpatient Therapy-like a counselor-which we have already done in the past 3 times.

So far, 3 days later...I smelled pot this morning at 3AM.

==> I think he needs IOP. You described a black-out earlier.

He dropped out of high school his Sr year and just got his GED in December.

==> That's fine. A GED is a very respectable degree.

He got this the same day his best and oldest friend died in his sleep at the age of 18. They do not know why yet. This has devastated him.

He has been accepted to two Jr Colleges and really wants to go. He just started a job yesterday but needs more hours.

==> GREAT!

He has not been driving for 6 months as he had too many points. He is now eligible to get his license this month. His car needed repairs so it is in the shop.

In the past 6 months, we have given him no money. We will not send him to college until he shows us he can work consistently and show responsibility. For his 18th birthday, we are repairing the car. He has to take a Defensive Class before he can get his car and he must pay for that.

==> ALL GOOD! Many more positives here than negatives. I'm encouraged. I hope you are.

==> He'll do just fine eventually. He's a late bloomer - for sure.


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