Do punitive consequences (Detention Centers) help or hinder a teenager with this disorder?


My story is too long for an email, but briefly...

My son has been on probation for grand theft of a dwelling and vandalism (10/07). Since then he has 3 violations of his probation due to 4 positive drug (marijuana) tests, leaving thru his bedroom window in the middle of the night, stealing his father's car twice, stealing his father's ATM card twice. He has spent time in the Juvenile Detention for a couple of weeks for each violation. My son has symptoms you describe. Prior to 10/07, I know I was in denial as you describe in the video on your web site. He has a court date on July 8th for his most recent violation followed by a staffing meeting, in which a group of individuals from probation will decide on the best place for him. My question to you is this... Do punitive consequences (Detention Centers) help or hinder a teenager with this disorder?

I only have a couple of weeks until our court date, so I am not sure if beginning your program will help as we do not know at this point our son's future? My husband and I do know we need help and do not know where to turn for support and help.

In need,


Hi R.,

Re: Do punitive consequences (Detention Centers) help or hinder a teenager with this disorder?

I think it does more harm than good. Detention is designed to protect the community - not to rehabilitate the teenager. (You're hearing this from a Juvenile Probation Officer.)

I think you should get busy with the program.