Any good resources out there that may be of help with the behavior management end of it?

Hi Mark,

I am a Elementary school teacher (3rd. grade) who is doing their homework in the preparation of receiving next school year a little girl who exhibits all the classic symptoms of ODD. (I will forward your information about your book on to her parents and try to help them as best I can.)

My main purpose for writing you is to get ideas that I can use in the classroom for behavior management of this disorder. (My guess is that this little girl will be placed in the SBH unit one day or given home instruction.) I want to begin the year prepared and having a plan in place. I hope to meet with her adoptive parents before the year begins and get them on-board with working with me. Is there anything you would suggest in planning to deal with her behavior? Any good resources out there that may be of help with the behavior management end of it? I would appreciate any advise you can give.


Mitch Burton


Hi Mitch,

You may want to consider downloading the eBook. I have many therapists, educators, probation officers, social workers, etc. who have either attending my live seminar or have joined Online Parent Support (the online version of the seminar). The program is not just for parents. Anybody who has to deal with an oppositional defiant child will benefit from the material.


Online Parent Support