I can see already that with our "over parenting & over indulging" that it hasn't done Scarlett any favours at all.

Hi Mark,

Your web site has given me and my partner a great deal of hope with our daughter. She is 12 but I can see already that with our "over parenting & over indulging" that it hasn't done Scarlett any favours at all.

I thought that one of the key areas you wrote about was very interesting to me, was the topic that as parents you shouldn't feel guilty for trying your very best & to take time out to look after yourself. I constantly feel guilty for being a working mum etc etc.My mother was very strict and i was afraid that i was treating Scarlett the same as i was quiet frightened of her as a child and didn't want to make Scarls feel the same ever. I guess I have again over done the indulging side.

A thing that makes me laugh to myself is that I teach in a further eduction college here in the UK and I can get my kids at work to literally eat out of my hand and are as good as gold. Even the ones it ADHD etc but my very own 12 year old girl well thats another matter!

I love the site and have read the material over and over. I will stick to the 4 weeks with vivid interest, and i can see how the techniques you promote would help me in my job as a lecturer too.

Keep the good work, with kind regards


Online Parent Support