If she does have some measure of a borderline personality disorder, I can still apply all the parenting techniques in your e-book, correct?

HI Mark,

Thank you so much for your answer. I did tell my daughter that I would be truthful from the beginning. I guess I'm fearful at times because of her psychiatric diagnosis. She is what Dr. Greene calls inflexible-explosive, plus Adhd and mood issues. I questioned the counselors to see if there is any evidence of personality disorder. They seem not to think so, but I'm not so sure. She has been tested by a neuro-psych doctor. But nothing more came of it except for a 504 accomodation plan, which was very much needed. If she does have some measure of a borderline personality disorder, I can still apply all the parenting techniques in your e-book, correct? She is intensely self-centered and doesn't seem to "get it". I know self-centeredness is common in teens but with her it is much more so, also, she is nice to everyone except family members.

I took the test and I failed with flying colors! The result was I was a severely indulgent parent, which surprised me because I didn't see myself that way. How blinded I became thru this difficulty.

You know, when we as parents are trying to raise difficult kids...we give in to them at times to reduce the stress and chaos on the family, but in the end it all comes back to bite us.

Thank you once again for all you are doing for so many hurting families. You are realigning us and teaching us to walk straight and not waiver so we can reach the end of this difficult path.

Best regards,



Hi M.,

Re: If she does have some measure of a borderline personality disorder, I can still apply all the parenting techniques in your e-book, correct?

Absolutely …Borderline Personality is just the adult, female version of Oppositional Defiant Disorder. CLICK HERE for one of my Podcasts on the subject (sorry for the poor video/audio quality).

Keep in mind that BPD and ODD and just labels for a particular pattern of behavior. Labels don't make kids "bad" – labels simply help us in the "helping professions" to narrow-down a range of treatment options.


My Out-of-Control Teen