My son is in juvenile detention as we speak...

HI Mark,

My son is in juvenile detention as we speak, He is calling me constantly to get him out. We had a court appearance last Friday and the judge is keeping him the rest of this week. My son is pleading with me to bond him out, it is tearing at my heart strings. I do not want to go against the judge, he will be in there a total of 2 weeks due to drugs. He is charged with possession of drug paraphernalia a misdemeanor right now. I do not think I should bond him out, he is due to go in front of judge this Friday …any helpful advice would be appreciated. I believe that he has learned his lesson but these are his consequences, do I help him get out?



Hi M.,

Re: … do I help him get out?

No. You shouldn’t try to save him from uncomfortable emotions associated with his poor choices. Over-indulgent parents DO try to save their children from consequences – which is a huge mistake.

Having said this, in Indiana (where I reside), juveniles do NOT have the right to bond out. The same may be true in your area.


My Out-of-Control Teen