I fear it is too late...

Dear Mark,

I Googled my 'problem teenager' and came up with your website. I bought the manual, and it is precisely what I needed.

I fear it is too late though, as my teen daughter is leaving home on the day she is 16 to live with a guy 25 years old, whom she said she met on holiday in Lanzarote, when she was 10. He is unemployed and has Diabetes. She is on the phone to him every day. She's flunked school, her exams, and thrown away an amazing singing/acting talent. Your book describes her behaviour precisely, 'Overindulged'.

I will put into practice that which is in the book and hope that we can turn her round before August.

Having been through family services, the police, social services and the courts and still not got a solution, what a relieve it is to know that there is somebody out there who seems to know what they are talking about. Many many thanks. You have at the very least given me cause for hope, thank you.


Great Britain.

My Out-of-Control Teen