He definitely has some ODD -ness...

Hi Mark,

I recently joined your wonderful "help-net" by getting the Ebook and receiving more information from the chats, etc.

We started implementing assign. #1 and some of your other advisements. I've always tried to show unconditional love , but separate the "trust" issue. My husband's emotions ebb and flow - It seemed things were getting a little better with our son but in the last week, he chose to leave school without "permission" and has been asked not to return, it was a small Christian school and they don't have the adequate personnel to handle "problem" students.

Based on your information, he definitely has some ODD-ness and now I'm beginning to wonder about some type of learning disability as well. It seems like he's more manageable when schools out, than when it's in. I'm trying to get an appt. to get him evaluated for ESE testing, so I'll know whether to rule that out or not. With no family to assist, his sisters are grown and gone and living out west.

We've thought about sending him out there to live with them, but then , it's not there " responsibility " to raise him, it's ours. We don't like leaving him at home during the day, because we've always had the rule, no friends at our house, when nether parent there, but with us both working , there's noway to know if he's having friends over and unfortunately there aren't any " teen daycares" that I'm aware of.

I would appreciate any words of wisdom . Thank you so much for providing strength, support and hope for us "frazzled families, may the Lord continue to bless you efforts.

My Out-of-Control Child