My husband has been able to access my son's MSN...

Merry Christmas Mark,

We have been working your program and things are coming along nicely. I would really appreciate your opinion about something though. My husband has been able to access my son's MSN and he is able to see all conversations my son has online with his friends. This came in handy at one point because we were able to find out that A__ was selling/trading his ritalin for cigarettes and alcohol.....this was quite serious so I was happy at that time to be able to track what he was doing. A__ has no idea we can see his MSN on the computer. Anyway, I'm not so sure that my husband should keep checking his conversations online because how will he ever be able to trust him with all this inside information. Let's face it kids bullshit to their friends and exaggerate, so he may not even be being truthful about some things. I was raised pulling the wool over my parents eyes at times and we still had a wonderful loving relationship as does my husband with his parents. Please give me your thoughts on this.

Thank you, J.


Hi J.,

Please refer to "It's O.K. To Spy On Your Teens".

Good Luck,
