He throws a temper tantrum when he doesn't get his way...


My husband (Pat) and I are excited that we found your website. We have a 15 (almost 16) year old. Oct. 2005 he was diagnosed as bipolar, ADHD, and ODD. He was sent to the state hospital for 2 months to stabilize his moods and meds. He was sent home (failure to comply and interfering with other people's treatment plans). That was a tough time because it was easier to live without him than to live with him at the time. We filed for a CHINS petition (Children in Need of Supervision). He was place on probation and began receiving therapy from another counselor.

Here we are a little over a year since he came home. It has been a lot of ups and downs. There have been days when we feel like we couldn't go on and that it would be best for him to be placed in residential treatment. The psychiatrist is still changing his meds. I feel like we're still dealing with the same issues. My son wants to do what he wants, when he wants. He becomes belligerent when he doesn't get his way. Imagine, a 15-year-old, 5' 9", 260 lb kid throwing what seems to be a temper tantrum because he didn't get his own way. I worry about how he will turn out as an adult. He comes from a family that has a long history of anger problems and violence.

When he turns 16 he will be applying to get into Job Corp. We are excited about this ...probably for some wrong reasons. But at this place, he will not allow us to parent him. Little things become such a big fight ...the simple stuff, like picking up after himself ...or taking his meds.

Any thoughts?




Hi L.,

You just described all the other kids I work with during my day job (i.e., multiple mental health issues and behavior problems). And the parents that show up for my group are in the same boat as you (i.e., “Tried everything …still just treading water.”).

If you will commit to using the strategies in my eBook, you will finally begin to experience some positive change. But you must NOT dabble with these strategies – no half measures. Half measures WILL be the kiss of failure.

Below are just a few key points that will be developed in greater detail in the eBook. To omit even one of these will result in another failed attempt at getting significant change underway. These strategies are like the parts of a transmission in your car. Your transmission has little tiny springs, valves, gears, bands, and so on. But if just one of these parts is missing or defective, the whole transmission either runs poorly or not at all.

Key Points:

  • After issuing a consequence, never retract it.
  • Allow your out-of-control kid to make wrong choices – this gives him wisdom; experience is a great teacher.
  • Be able to differentiate between your kid’s wants and her needs.
  • Consider having only one television and one computer in the house.
  • Don’t nag – simply follow through with the consequence.
  • Don’t try to save your kid from negative consequences and painful emotions associated with poor choices.
  • Expect your out-of-control kid to resist your new parenting strategies.
  • Give equal love to all your kids, but parent them differently.
  • Give only one warning -- then follow through with the consequence.
  • Give your kid at least five chores to do each week.
  • If you have tried to correct your parent’s mistakes by attempting to be a “better” parent, know that (a) you turned out all right, and (b) you may be erring on the other end of the extreme (e.g., your parent was aggressive to you as a child, so you decide to parent in a passive way).
  • If you slip into a rage against your kid, apologize - but don’t try to compensate by over-indulging him.
  • If your kid hibernates in his bedroom, take that television and computer out of there.
  • Keep an eye out for your kid’s guilt-trips.
  • Know that a weaker parenting-strategy supported by both parents – even if they are divorced -- is better than a stronger strategy supported by only one.
  • Learn to say -- and stick with -- “no.”
  • Only give your kid gifts on these 3 occasions: birthdays, Christmas, and graduation.
  • Pay attention to your feelings of guilt about how you have parented, and know it is a sign that you are – once again – beating up on yourself.
  • Remember that over-indulged kids are too comfortable – they need some discomfort before they will change.
  • Remember that parenting is not a popularity contest – you are not a buddy!
  • Respond to your kid’s anger with a poker face.
  • When taking away privileges, take away the privilege for a short period (3 days works best). If it lasts too long, resentment builds, the kid forgets the infraction, and the lesson is lost.
  • When you catch yourself feeling sorry for your kid, know it is a sign that you are – once again – taking on too much responsibility.
  • When your kid needs to be cheered-up, do so with active listening, empathy, paraphrasing, validation, and hugs rather than giving him/her a lot of stuff and freedom (e.g., unearned privileges, food, gifts, fun activities).
  • Don't dabble with these non-traditional parenting strategies – be consistent and you will out-will the strong-willed, out-of-control kid!


I am at the end of my rope...

I have a 12-year-old daughter who has been diagnosed with numerous conditions (Tourette's ADD, ODD and early onset bi-polar disorder). However, of all these the Oppositional Defiance disorder is giving me a great deal of heartache. She will not do anything I ask (including bathing and general hygiene) is extremely argumentative and annoying with everyone and now has started to refuse to get up and get ready for school. We have reached the lifetime limit for mental health treatment on our insurance. Any help or advice you can give me will be greatly appreciated as I am at the end of my rope.


Hi E.,

My full-time job consists of going to the homes of parents who are at a loss on what to do or how to help. Out of a pure sense of hopelessness, these parents have come to Madison County Juvenile Probation seeking help.

They have tried very hard to address their child’s emotional & behavioral problems, but with little or no success. And it seems the harder they try to help, the worse it gets.

Here’s the good news. These kids with these “disorders” (e.g., ADHD, ODD, Conduct Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, etc.) are the most enjoyable bunch of kids I could ever work with. I get respect and cooperation from all of them.

But …and this is an important point here …I know how to approach them. Through years of trial and error (as well as research), I have found a method for over-coming the obstacles that formerly prevented any positive outcome with these kids.

I want you to hear me very clearly here …there is no need for you to continue living as a frustrated, stress-out parent. I will help you bring the chaos and confusion to a grinding halt, but I can’t help you unless you are willing to work with me – I can’t do it for you!

If you will read my eBook, listen to my lectures, view my videos and power point presentations, and email me with specific questions as you go along – we WILL get the problems turned around. If you will take a step of faith, you will experience the same success that hundreds of other parents are now enjoying.

After years of dealing with a dishonest, disrespectful and dysfunctional child, many parents feel so defeated that they believe nothing or nobody will be able to help them – they think it’s simply “too late.” But I promise you – it is never too late.


You have to make a decision. You must decide whether or not to take a step of faith here. I cannot help you unless you are willing to help yourself.

You deserve much better than you are settling for.

Click here to get started with my program: http://www.myoutofcontrolteen.com/sl

I hope to hear from you soon,

Mark Hutten, M.A.
Online Parent Support
Madison County Youth Center
Madison Superior Court, Division 2
3420 Mounds Road
Anderson, Indiana
Probation: (765) 635-9037
Fax: (765) 646-9229
Toll Free: (856) 457-4883
Email: mbhutten@gmail.com

She is completely out of control...

Please ...is there any advice for my husband and I about his teen daughter with Bipolar and Aspergers. She is completely out of control with her anger and very threatening to my 5-yeard-old and 18-month-old who are her half siblings. Please let me know if there is any free advice anywhere on how to handle being around her and how these situations should be handled. Her mother and father are giving in a lot and it has taken its toll on my children and me. Thank you.
Hi S.,

For info on Bipolar Disorder, please refer to this section of the eBook: http://www.myoutofcontrolteen.com/bi-polar

For the entire eBook on dealing with out-of-control teens, please click here:

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