Active vs. Passive Parenting

How do parents who are divorced work together and stay consistent? My ex and I are equally worried and upset with our 17yr old boy. We however, have very different parenting styles. I'm more into boundaries and keeping the lines of communication open. My ex lets our son run the show. I cannot tell my ex what to do or how to handle situations because he doesn't like anyone doing this, especially his ex. He takes everything very personally. 
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We love him but sure don’t like him...

Hi Mark,
I’ve quickly reviewed your program and I think it will help.
My youngest (16) boy is not really that far out of control. My older boy (19) is just great.
Both are extremely smart and do great in school. Snag with youngest is mostly on the disrespect side. Which of course leads to lots of communication problems.
We’re kind of at the “we love him but sure don’t like him” stage.
Pretty sure his problems stem from my wife developing serious illness and almost dying when he was only in grade 5.
She’s now stable but some limited functionality.
We need to reverse what’s going on, otherwise I can see me booting him out in the future.
So we will follow your plan and see if it will help,
Online Parent Support

How do I get my over-achieving daughter to slow down?

"I have taken the quiz and surprisingly found that I was a severely over indulgent parent. This angers me because I didn't think...