Your Formula For Success

Points to Remember:

1. Ask your child ______________to demonstrate ________________.

2. Each evening before bedtime, say to your child, _______________. Expect nothing in return.

3. ____________at least one evening each week.

4. Use _______________whenever your answer is “yes.”

5. Use _________________________whenever your answer is “no.”

6. Catch your child ___________________________________at least once each day.

7. Use ______________________when you want something from your kid.

8. Give your child at least ________________each day.

9. Find something ________to do with your teen each week.

10. Use the ____________________________ approach when something unexpected pops-up.

11. Visualize ____________________, and play that visualization often.

12. When you are undecided about what to say or do in any particular situation, always ask yourself the following question: "_________________________?"

13. If things get worse before they get better, you are ______________.

14. Learn to say, and stick with, ________.

15. Give your child five or more different __________that he/she does every week.

16. __________ rather than nag.

17. Differentiate between your child’s ________and his/her ________.

18. Keep an eye out for your child’s _________________.

19. Remember that parenting is not a popularity contest – you are not a ___________.

20. Respond to your child’s strong emotions with ______________.

21. Give only one _____________, then follow through with _____________.

22. Expect children to ____________ parental changes.

23. When taking away privileges, be sure to __________.

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If You Keep Doing What You've Always Done, You'll Keep Getting What You've Always Got

Dear Parents,

If you have a strong-willed, out-of-control teenager, I have to ask:

How much longer are you going to allow yourself to be tricked, bullied, lied to and stolen from?

How many more temper tantrums and arguments are you willing to endure?

Haven't you already wasted enough time and energy trying to make your children change?

If you're discouraged, exhausted and simply out of answers on what to do or how to help, then please check out my ebook at:

Imagine today you put into motion a few small actions that in just a few weeks resulted in receiving the respect and obedience you always wanted, but thought was impossible.

Mark Hutten, M.A.

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