Preventing Teen Runaway Behavior

Runaway behavior for teens is usually not the result of a wish to have a Huckleberry Finn experience. It is often their dramatic way of dealing with longstanding problems or conflicts with family.

It is believed that between 1 and 1.3 million teens in the United States live in emergency shelters or on the streets. Research indicates that the problem is more prevalent for adolescent girls. Homeless teens tended to be younger, female, and white. Further, these girls engaged in problematic behaviors, such as vagrancy, sexual promiscuity, prostitution, suicide attempts, and becoming pregnant.

The types of runaway behavior were initially viewed dichotomously as "running from" or "running to" something. These include three categories:
  1. the youngster who runs away from family strain caused by a crisis;
  2. the youngster who runs away from excessive parental expectations and control;
  3. the youngster who runs away from a physically or sexually abusive situation.

The "running to" teens may have experienced some problems with family or in school or the community, but is often searching for excitement. This type of runaway usually comes from a more normal family situation and runs away for existential reasons.

The "running from" teen is unhappy about one or more major areas of life (e.g., conflict with, or alienation from, family). The family situation is often pathological, such as that involving an alcoholic parent, physical or sexual abuse, or extreme financial difficulties. Running away in these instances can be viewed as a rational decision to escape harm.

The "thrown out" teen may have been forced to leave home, because of extreme family alienation or premature dissolution caused by chronic poverty, family conflict, substance abuse, or the death of caretakers.

In North America, runaway teens are widely regarded as a chronic and serious social problem. It is estimated that each year there are between 1.3 and 1.5 million runaway and homeless teens in the United States. This problem also exists in the United Kingdom, with runaway teens often congregating in London.

Current studies suggest that the primary cause of teen homelessness is family dysfunction in the form of parental neglect, physical or sexual abuse, family substance abuse, and family violence. Family conflict can also be caused by sudden and or drastic changes in the family composition (i.e. a divorce, re-marriage, death of a parent), parental substance abuse, teen's substance abuse, and teen's sexual activity. They may have difficulty obtaining affordable housing, due to landlords being reluctant to rent to young adults. Since most homeless teens drop-out of school, they also have difficulty competing successfully in the job market.

A related term used for runaways is "throwaway teen". Normally a throwaway teen is someone who has been "locked out" or forced to leave home by his/her moms and dads or caregivers. However, the distinction between runaways and throwaways is not clear as in many cases it depends on who provides the information. When the moms and dads are asked they say the teen ran away, while the teen would say he or she was forced to leave, either directly or by circumstances. In most cases, teens run away because the situation at home is seen as unbearable and not because they are looking for excitement or fun.

Running away from home is considered a crime in some jurisdictions, but it is usually a status offense punished with probation, or not punished at all. Giving aid or assistance to a runaway instead of turning them in to the police is a more serious crime called "harboring a runaway", and is typically a misdemeanor. The law can vary considerably from one jurisdiction to another; in the United States there is a different law in every state. A 2003 FBI study showed that there were 123,581 arrests for runaway teens in the United States.

Motivations of a Runaway—
  • avoid an emotional experience or consequence that they are expecting in some future encounter or situation
  • avoid the loss of activities, relationships or friendships that are considered important or worthwhile
  • be with others or in places that are distractions from other problems in their life
  • be with others people who are supportive, encouraging and active
  • change or stop what they are doing or about to do
  • escape a recurrent or ongoing unpleasant, painful or difficult experience in their life

Problems that Increase the Risk of a Runaway—
  • alcohol or other drug use
  • child abuse or neglect
  • death in the family that is not handled appropriately
  • divorce or separations that are not handled appropriately
  • oppositional and defiant behavior combined with inappropriate romantic or involvement with an antisocial peer group

Warning Signs of a Potential Runaway—
  • an increasing pattern of impulsive, irrational and emotionally abusive behavior by either the parent(s) or teenager
  • attempts to communicate result in arguments, raised voices, interruptions, name calling, hurt feelings and failure to reach an acceptable agreement
  • the youngster has a network of friends who are largely unsupervised, oppositional, defiant, involved with drugs and other antisocial behaviors.

Communication that Helps Prevent Runaways—

The following is a brief list of suggestions that can help reduce the risk of a runaway:
  • Get professional advice from a qualified mental health professional if your youngster is demanding, threatening or acting as if they should be allowed to do whatever they want.
  • If you get overwhelmed or upset tell your youngster, "I'm overwhelmed and a little upset. I need a break and a chance to calm down and think about this." Then tell them you want a 20 minute (or so) break and then you will talk to them again. Be sure to take a break.
  • Never call your teenager names or label them with words like liar, a thief, a brat, a punk, childish, immature, untrustworthy, selfish, cruel, unkind, stupid, etc... These words will not help. Your youngster will only begin to think of you in negative terms and may even start calling you worse names.
  • Never dare your youngster to run away because you think they may not.
  • Never explain yourself or argue if your youngster expects you to justify the fact that you do not agree.
  • Never interrupt your teenager when they are talking or trying to explain something - even if you disagree. Waite until they are done.
  • Never raise your voice or yell - especially when your teenager is raising their voice or yelling.
  • Never use sarcasm or a negative attitude that demonstrates that you do not respect your teenager.
  • Remember you can also agree with your youngster, but you don't have to let them do whatever they want. For instance, you might agree that there is be no significant difference between some teenagers who are 17 years old and some people who are 21 years old, but that does not mean you will allow teenagers to consume alcohol at a party at your house.
  • Remind yourself that simply listening and that telling your youngster that you understand does not mean you will agree when they are finished, nor does it mean you will do what they seem to want.
  • Stay calm and quiet, make eye contact, and don't respond if your youngster is angry, shouting or in a rage. Waite until they are calm.
  • Talk less and use fewer words than your teenagers.
  • Tell your teenager that you understand what they are saying. Say "I understand." And if you don't understand, say "I'm not sure I understand ...tell me again."
  • When two moms and dads are speaking with a teenager, it is important to take turns, but be careful to let your teenagers speak as much as BOTH moms and dads speak. Both moms and dads should talk equally and use less words than their youngster.
  • When you don't agree and you are certain that you understand your teenager's point of view (and your teenager believes you understand) tell your teenager. "I think I understand, but I don't agree with you. I want to think we can understand each other, but we don't have to agree."
  • When your teenager stops talking, ask "Is there anything else you want to tell me."

Steps You Can Take that Will Help Reduce the Risk of a Runaway—
  1. Develop a Crisis Intervention plan for your teenager if the situation involves a crisis or recurrent crises.
  2. Develop a plan that will minimize and limit all communication that usually leads to conflict, aggression or violence and take steps to resolve problems calmly. Establish a plan that supports communication.
  3. Encourage a medical evaluation and treatment for any mental illness or other medical condition requiring medication or medical treatment.
  4. Evaluate any alcohol and other drug use and treat as recommended by a qualified professional.
  5. If appropriate, consider enrolling and participating in an educational or skills training group that will improve communication and interpersonal skills (e.g. parenting skills, communication, divorce adjustment, assertiveness training, conflict resolution, or strategies to diffuse angry, aggressive and violent behavior).
  6. If there is abuse or neglect, seek advice and further investigation from a qualified mental health profession, law enforcement or an attorney who has experience dealing with abuse and neglect issues. An attorney can provide absolute confidentiality. Law enforcement and some mental health professionals cannot.
  7. Review and familiarize yourself with the material on this web site that pertain to Crisis Intervention.
  8. Seek an evaluation and advice from a qualified mental health professional or crisis intervention specialist if your youngster may be self-harming, suicidal, destructive or violent.
  9. Seek counseling or therapy for any emotional problems or difficulties associated with any angry, violent or suicidal behavior from a qualified mental health professional.

==> My Out-of-Control Teen: Help for Parents of Defiant Teens

The "Choking" Game

Fifteen-year-old Rebekah Toia was bright and attractive and had lots of friends. She was an honor student at her High School, a softball player and loved writing fantasy stories and poetry.

The night before she died, she had come home from a party, went into her room and an hour later came out and asked her mom if she could sleep with her. In the morning, her mother made pancakes for her. Rebekah took the dog out for its morning walk. When her mother left for work, each told the other, "I love you."

When Barbara Toia came home from work Tuesday afternoon, she found Rebekah hanging by her neck from a cloth belt attached to the top of her bedroom door. She was not breathing.

Her death – and that of 14-year-old Angelena Ohanessian who died the same way two weeks earlier – prompted Chicago police to issue an alert to parents about the dangers of the "choking game."

Both girls, who didn't know each other, succumbed to the deadly game, they say. The point of the game is to induce a feeling of euphoria by temporarily depriving the brain of oxygen by applying pressure to the neck until the person passes out.

Teens have been finding information and instructions about the choking game for years on the Internet, where it is variously known as Passout, the Fainting Game and Good Kids High, among other names.

In 2008, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported 82 deaths attributed to it and other strangulation activities from 1995-2007. Most victims, unlike the two recent Chicago cases, were boys 11 to 16 years old.

The choking game is a dangerous practice of tweens and teens in which they self-strangulate in order to achieve a brief high. The high is the result of oxygen rushing back to the brain after its cut off by the practice of strangulation.

The choking game (also known as Space Monkey) is very dangerous and can easily lead to accidental death. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), there were more than 80 deaths due to the choking game in children aged 6 to 19 from 1995-2007. Boys are more likely to die from the choking game, but the behavior is a danger to both boys and girls.

In order to achieve a high, children may use ropes, scarves, or other items to strangle themselves, either alone or within a group.

Whether it's done as a dare, a rite of passage or a desire to get high without using drugs or alcohol, the choking game has potentially deadly consequences. Understand how the choking game works — and what you can do if you think your youngster may be involved in this dangerous activity.

What is the choking game?

Participants in the choking game — typically teens — attempt to trigger a high by temporarily depriving the brain of oxygen through strangulation. The choking game is often done with a noose or another person's hands around the participant's neck. A youngster may also take a deep breath, hold it, and have someone hug him or her from behind until he or she feels dizzy and passes out.

The choking game is also sometimes called the blackout game, pass-out game, scarf game and space monkey. 

What are the consequences of the choking game?

The choking game can result in serious injuries, such as seizures, fractures and permanent brain damage. Taken to an extreme, the choking game can be life-threatening. If a youngster plays the choking game alone and with a noose, for example, he may lose consciousness and be unable to release the noose.

What are the warning signs of the choking game?

Warning signs that a youngster may be playing the choking game include:

• Bloodshot eyes or small, red facial spots
• Disorientation after being alone
• Frequent, often severe headaches
• Mentioning choking games, showing curiosity about asphyxiation or having a history of Internet searches about choking games
• Sheets, belts, neckties, scarves, T-shirts or ropes tied to bedroom furniture or doorknobs, or found knotted on the floor
• Unexplained bruises around the neck
• Wear marks on furniture legs

Your youngster may be at higher risk of playing the choking game if he or she has had mental health problems or substance abuse issues.

What can I do if I suspect my child is participating in the choking game?

If you suspect that your youngster is playing the choking game, talk to him or her. Avoid making accusations. Instead, ask your youngster if he or she has ever played the choking game or has friends who play it. Explain the risks and remind your youngster that there's no safe way to play the choking game. If your child admits to playing the choking game, tell him that it's important to stop. In addition, consult your child's doctor and a mental health provider. They may have advice on additional steps you can take to help your youngster. Be sure to alert the moms and dads of other kids who may have played the choking game with your youngster, too.

My Out-of-Control Teen: Help for Parents

Teens’ Abuse of Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco: What Parents Can Do

***Help your adolescent avoid drugs***

Many teenagers experiment with drugs, putting their health and safety at risk — but adolescent drug abuse isn't inevitable. You can help prevent adolescent drug abuse by talking to your adolescent about the consequences of using drugs and the importance of making healthy choices.

Why teenagers abuse drugs—

Various factors may contribute to adolescent drug abuse, from insecurity and self-doubt to a desire for social acceptance. Teenagers often feel indestructible and may not consider the consequences of their actions, leading them to take potentially dangerous risks — such as abusing legal or illegal drugs.

Common risk factors for adolescent drug abuse include:
  • A family history of substance abuse
  • Depression
  • Drug availability
  • Early aggressive behavior
  • Feelings of social rejection
  • Lack of parental supervision
  • Low self-esteem
  • Poverty

Consequences of adolescent drug abuse—

Adolescent drug abuse can have a number of negative consequences, including:
  • Concentration problems. Use of drugs, such as marijuana, may affect the parts of the brain that control memory, motivation, attention and learning — making it more difficult to learn and perform complex tasks.
  • Drug dependence. Teenagers who abuse drugs are at increased risk of serious drug use later in life.
  • Impaired driving. Driving under the influence of any drug can impair a driver's motor skills, reaction time and judgment — putting the driver, his or her passengers, and others on the road at risk.
  • Lack of motivation. Drug use may lead a teen to lose interest in or become indifferent about what happens at school or in other areas of his or her life.
  • Serious health problems. In high doses, Ecstasy can interfere with the body's ability to regulate temperature and cause liver, kidney and heart failure. Use of methamphetamine can cause heart and neurological damage, psychotic behavior and aggression. Chronic use of inhalants can cause brain or nerve damage and harm the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys. In addition, abuse of prescription or over-the-counter medications can cause depression, respiratory distress, cardiac distress and seizures.
  • Sexual activity. Teenagers who abuse drugs are more likely to have poor judgment, which can result in unplanned and unsafe sex.

Talking about adolescent drug abuse—

It can be difficult to talk to your adolescent about drug abuse. Start by choosing a comfortable time and setting. If you're anxious, share your feelings with your adolescent. You might also consider sharing the responsibility with another nurturing adult in your adolescent's life.

When you discuss adolescent drug abuse, you might:
  • Ask your adolescent's views. Listen to your adolescent's opinions — which may differ from your own — and questions about drug use. Encourage your adolescent to talk by asking open-ended questions, such as "Tell me what you think about ______."
  • Be ready to discuss your own drug use. Think ahead about how you'll respond if your adolescent asks about your own drug use. If you chose not to use drugs, explain why. If you did use drugs, share what the experience taught you.
  • Consider media messages. Some television programs, movies, Web sites or songs glamorize or trivialize drug use. Talk about what your adolescent has seen or heard.
  • Discuss reasons not to abuse drugs. Avoid scare tactics. Emphasize how drug use can affect things important to your adolescent — such as sports, driving, health and appearance. Explain that even a teen can develop a drug problem.
  • Plan specific ways to resist peer pressure. Brainstorm with your adolescent about how to respond to offers of drugs. Suggest that your adolescent try saying, "No thanks," or "I don't do drugs because it could get me kicked off the team." Your adolescent also might offer friends a socially acceptable alternative activity, such as watching a movie.

Don't be afraid that talking about adolescent drug abuse will plant ideas in your adolescent's head. Conversations about drug abuse won't tempt your adolescent to try drugs. Instead, talking about drug abuse lets your adolescent know your views and understand what you expect of him or her.

Other preventive strategies—

In addition to talking to your adolescent, consider other strategies to prevent adolescent drug abuse:
  • Establish rules and consequences. Make it clear that you won't tolerate drug abuse. Rules might include leaving a party where drug abuse occurs and not riding in a car with a driver who's been abusing drugs. Agree on the consequences of breaking the rules ahead of time — and enforce them consistently.
  • Keep an eye on prescription drugs. Ask your doctor if any medications prescribed for your family have a potential for abuse. Take an inventory of all prescription and over-the-counter medications in your home and keep them out of easily accessible places — such as the medicine cabinet. If your adolescent needs to take medication during school hours, find out if it can be stored in the school's health office rather than in your adolescent's locker.
  • Know your adolescent's activities. Pay attention to your adolescent's whereabouts. Find out what adult-supervised activities your adolescent is interested in and encourage him or her get involved.
  • Know your adolescent's friends. If your adolescent's friends abuse drugs, your adolescent may feel pressure to experiment, too. Get to know your adolescent's friends and their moms and dads.
  • Provide support. Offer praise and encouragement when your adolescent succeeds, whether at school or at home. A strong bond between you and your adolescent may help prevent your adolescent from abusing drugs.
  • Set a good example. Don't abuse drugs yourself.

Recognizing the warning signs of adolescent drug abuse—

Be aware of possible red flags, such as: 
  • A hostile or uncooperative attitude
  • A sudden or extreme change in friends, eating habits, sleeping patterns, physical appearance or school performance
  • An unexplained disappearance of household money
  • An unusual chemical or medicine smell on your adolescent or in your adolescent's room
  • Empty drug or medicine containers or drug paraphernalia in your adolescent's room
  • Lost interest in favorite activities
  • Secrecy about actions or possessions
  • Visits to pro-drug Web sites

Seeking help for adolescent drug abuse—

If you suspect that your adolescent is abusing drugs, talk to him or her. Avoid accusations. Instead, ask your adolescent what's going on in his or her life and encourage him or her to be honest. If your adolescent admits to abusing drugs, let him or her know that you're disappointed. Be sure to enforce the consequences you've established so that your adolescent understands that using drugs will always result in a loss of privileges. Explain to your adolescent ways that he or she can help regain your lost trust, such as improving grades. If you think your adolescent is involved in significant drug use, contact a doctor, counselor or other health care provider who specializes in drug problems.

Remember, it's never too soon to start talking to your adolescent about drug abuse. The conversations you have today can help your adolescent make healthy choices in the future.

***Talking to your adolescent about drinking***

Moms and dads often underestimate how early adolescent drinking starts, the amount of alcohol teenagers drink and the risks involved. But adolescent drinking isn't inevitable. You can encourage your adolescent to avoid alcohol by talking to him or her about the risks of adolescent drinking and the importance of making good decisions.

Why teenagers drink—

Teenagers are particularly vulnerable to alcohol use. The physical changes of puberty may make your adolescent feel self-conscious and more likely to take risks to fit in or please others — such as experiment with alcohol. Also, your adolescent may have trouble understanding that his or her actions have consequences.

Common risk factors for adolescent drinking include:
  • A history of behavior problems
  • Family problems, such as conflict or parental alcohol abuse
  • Increased stress at home or school
  • Transitions, such as the move from middle school to high school or getting a driver's license

Consequences of adolescent drinking—

Whatever causes a teen to drink, the consequences may be the same. For example, adolescent drinking can lead to:
  • Alcohol dependence. People who begin drinking as young teenagers are four times more likely to develop alcohol dependence than are people who wait until they're adults to drink, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.
  • Alcohol-related traffic accidents. Alcohol-related accidents are a leading cause of adolescent deaths. Adolescent drowning, suicides and murders also have been linked with alcohol use.
  • Being a victim of violent crime. Alcohol-related crimes may include rape, assault and robbery.
  • School problems. Teenagers who drink tend to have more academic and conduct problems than do teenagers who don't drink. Also, drinking can lead to temporary or permanent suspension from sports and other extracurricular activities.
  • Sexual activity. Teenagers who drink tend to become sexually active earlier and have sex more often than do teenagers who don't drink. Teenagers who drink are also more likely to have unprotected sex than are teenagers who don't drink.

Research also shows that adolescent drinking may harm brain development.

Talking about adolescent drinking—

It can be tough to talk about adolescent drinking. You may be unsure of what to say, and your adolescent may try to dodge the conversation. To increase your odds of having a meaningful discussion, choose a time when you and your adolescent are relaxed. Don't worry about covering everything at once. If you talk often, you may have a greater impact on your adolescent than if you have only a single discussion.

When you talk about adolescent drinking, you might:
  • Ask your adolescent's views. Find out what your adolescent knows and thinks about alcohol.
  • Be prepared to discuss your own drinking. Your adolescent may ask if you drank alcohol when you were a teen. If you chose not to drink, explain why. If you chose to drink, you might share an example of a negative consequence of your drinking.
  • Debunk myths. Teenagers often think that drinking makes them popular or happy. Explain that alcohol is a depressant that also may cause sadness and anger.
  • Discuss reasons not to drink. Avoid scare tactics. Instead, explain the risks and appeal to your adolescent's self respect.
  • Plan ways to handle peer pressure. Brainstorm with your adolescent about how to respond to offers of alcohol. It might be as simple as saying, "No thanks," or "Do you have any soda?"
  • Share facts. Explain that alcohol is a powerful drug that slows the body and mind, and that anyone can develop an alcohol problem — even a teen.

The best way to encourage your adolescent to avoid drinking is to develop a strong relationship with him or her. Your support will help your adolescent build the self-esteem he or she needs to stand up to peer pressure — and be an incentive to live up to your expectations.

Other preventive strategies—

In addition to talking to your adolescent, consider other strategies to prevent adolescent drinking:
  • Encourage healthy friendships. If your adolescent's friends drink, your adolescent is more likely to drink, too. Get to know your adolescent's friends and their moms and dads.
  • Establish rules and consequences. Rules might include no underage drinking, leaving parties where alcohol is served and not riding in a car with a driver who has been drinking. Agree on the consequences of breaking the rules ahead of time — and enforce them consistently.
  • Know your adolescent's activities. Pay attention to your adolescent's plans and whereabouts. Encourage participation in supervised after-school and weekend activities.
  • Set an example. If you drink, do so in moderation and explain to your adolescent why it's OK for adults to drink sometimes. Explain some of the rules you follow, such as not drinking and driving. Don't serve alcohol to anyone who's underage.

Seeking help for adolescent drinking—

If you suspect that your adolescent has been drinking, talk to him or her. Enforce the consequences you've established so that your adolescent understands that using alcohol will always result in a loss of privileges. Accepting moderate use of alcohol may send the message that adolescent drinking isn't dangerous. If you think your adolescent may have a drinking problem, consider contacting a health care professional who specializes in alcohol problems.

Remember, it's never too soon to start talking to your adolescent about alcohol use. By broaching the topic, you'll help give your adolescent the guidance and support necessary to make good choices.

***Help teenagers stay smoke-free***

Adolescent smoking might begin innocently enough, but it can become a lifelong habit. In fact, most adult smokers began smoking as teenagers. Your best bet? Help your adolescent resist taking that first puff. These 10 tips can help.

1. Appeal to your adolescent's vanity— Smoking isn't glamorous. Remind your adolescent that smoking is a dirty, smelly habit. Smoking gives you bad breath. Smoking makes your clothes and hair smell, and it turns your teeth yellow. Smoking can leave you with a chronic cough and less energy for sports and other activities you enjoy.

2. Do the math— Smoking is expensive. Help your adolescent calculate the weekly, monthly or yearly cost of a pack-a-day smoking habit. You might compare the cost of smoking with that of electronic gadgets, clothes or other adolescent essentials.

3. Expect peer pressure— Friends who smoke can be convincing, but you can give your adolescent the tools he or she needs to refuse cigarettes. Rehearse how to handle tough social situations. It might be as simple as, "No thanks, I don't smoke." The more your adolescent practices this basic refusal, the more likely he or she will say no at the moment of truth.

4. Get involved— Take an active stance against adolescent smoking. Participate in local and school-sponsored anti-smoking campaigns. Support bans on smoking in public places. If your adolescent has already started smoking, avoid threats and ultimatums. Instead, be supportive. Find out why your adolescent is smoking — and then discuss ways to help your adolescent stop smoking, such as hanging out with friends who don't smoke or getting involved in new activities. Stopping adolescent smoking in its tracks is the best thing your adolescent can do for a lifetime of good health.

5. Predict the future— Teenagers tend to assume that bad things only happen to other people. But the long-term consequences of smoking — such as cancer, heart attack and stroke — may be all too real when your adolescent becomes an adult. Use loved ones, friends or neighbors who've been ill as real-life examples.

6. Say no to adolescent smoking— You may feel as if your adolescent doesn't hear a word you say, but say it anyway. Tell your adolescent that smoking isn't allowed. Your disapproval may have more impact than you think. Teenagers whose moms and dads set the firmest smoking restrictions tend to smoke less than do teenagers whose moms and dads don't set smoking limits. The same goes for teenagers who feel close to their moms and dads.

7. Set a good example— Adolescent smoking is more common among teenagers whose moms and dads smoke. If you don't smoke, keep it up. If you do smoke, quit — now. Ask your doctor about stop-smoking products and other ways to quit smoking. In the meantime, don't smoke in the house, in the car or in front of your adolescent, and don't leave cigarettes where your adolescent might find them. Explain how unhappy you are with your smoking and how difficult it is to quit.

8. Take addiction seriously— Most teenagers believe they can quit smoking anytime they want. But teenagers become just as addicted to nicotine as do adults, often quickly and at relatively low doses of nicotine. And once you're hooked, it's tough to quit.

9. Think beyond cigarettes— Smokeless tobacco, clove cigarettes (kreteks) and candy-flavored cigarettes (bidis) are sometimes mistaken as less harmful or addictive than are traditional cigarettes. Hookah smoking — smoking tobacco through a water pipe — is another alternative sometimes touted as safe. Don't let your adolescent be fooled. Like traditional cigarettes, these products are addictive and can cause cancer and other health problems. Many deliver higher concentrations of nicotine, carbon monoxide and tar than do traditional cigarettes.

10. Understand the attraction— Sometimes adolescent smoking is a form of rebellion or a way to fit in with a particular group of friends. Some teenagers light up in an attempt to lose weight or to feel better about themselves. Others smoke to feel cool or independent. To know what you're dealing with, ask your adolescent how he or she feels about smoking. Ask which of your adolescent's friend’s smoke. Applaud your adolescent's good choices, and talk about the consequences of bad choices. You might also talk with your adolescent about how tobacco companies try to influence ideas about smoking — such as paying actors to smoke in movies to create the perception that smoking is cool.

==> My Out-of-Control Teen: Help for Parents

What Parents Need to Know About Oppositional Defiant Disorder in Their Child

It's not unusual for kids -- especially those in their "terrible twos" and early teens -- to defy authority every now and then. They may express their defiance by arguing, disobeying, or talking back to their moms and dads, teachers, or other adults. When this behavior lasts longer than six months and is excessive compared to what is usual for the youngster's age, it may mean that the child has a type of behavior disorder called Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD).

ODD is a condition in which a youngster displays an ongoing pattern of uncooperative, defiant, hostile, and annoying behavior toward people in authority. The child's behavior often disrupts the child's normal daily activities, including activities within the family and at school.

Many kids and adolescents with ODD also have other behavioral problems, such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, learning disabilities, mood disorders (such as depression), and anxiety disorders. Some kids with ODD go on to develop a more serious behavior disorder called conduct disorder.

Symptoms of Oppositional Defiant Disorder—

Symptoms of ODD may include:
  • Actively refusing to comply with requests and rules
  • Being spiteful and seeking revenge
  • Blaming others for your mistakes
  • Deliberately trying to annoy or upset others, or being easily annoyed by others
  • Excessively arguing with adults
  • Having frequent outbursts of anger and resentment
  • Saying mean and hateful things when upset
  • Swearing or using obscene language
  • Throwing repeated temper tantrums

In addition, many kids with ODD are moody, easily frustrated, and have a low self-esteem. They also may abuse drugs and alcohol.

Causes of Oppositional Defiant Disorder—

The exact cause of ODD is not known, but it is believed that a combination of biological, genetic, and environmental factors may contribute to the condition.

Genetics: Many kids and adolescents with ODD have close family members with mental illnesses, including mood disorders, anxiety disorders, and personality disorders. This suggests that a vulnerability to develop ODD may be inherited.

Environmental: Factors such as a dysfunctional family life, a family history of mental illnesses and/or substance abuse, and inconsistent discipline by moms and dads may contribute to the development of behavior disorders.

Biological: Some studies suggest that defects in or injuries to certain areas of the brain can lead to serious behavioral problems in kids. In addition, ODD has been linked to abnormal amounts of special chemicals in the brain called neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters help nerve cells in the brain communicate with each other. If these chemicals are out of balance or not working properly, messages may not make it through the brain correctly, leading to symptoms of ODD, and other mental illnesses. Further, many kids and adolescents with ODD also have other mental illnesses, such as ADHD, learning disorders, depression, or an anxiety disorder, which may contribute to their behavior problems.

How Common Is Oppositional Defiant Disorder?

Estimates suggest that 2%-16% of kids and adolescents have ODD. In younger kids, ODD is more common in boys. In older kids, it occurs about equally in boys and in girls. It typically begins by age 8.

How Oppositional Defiant Disorder is Diagnosed—

Mental illnesses in young people are diagnosed based on signs and symptoms that suggest a particular illness like ODD. If symptoms are present, the doctor will begin an evaluation by performing a complete medical history and physical exam. Although there are no lab tests to specifically diagnose ODD, the doctor may use various tests -- such as X-rays and blood tests -- to rule out physical illness or medication side effects as the cause of the symptoms. The doctor also will look for signs of other conditions that often occur along with ODD, such as ADHD and depression.

If the doctor cannot find a physical cause for the symptoms, he or she may refer the youngster to a child and adolescent psychiatrist or psychologist, mental health professionals who are specially trained to diagnose and treat mental illnesses in kids and adolescents. Psychiatrists and psychologists use specially designed interview and assessment tools to evaluate a youngster for a mental illness. The doctor bases his or her diagnosis on reports of the child's symptoms and his or her observation of the child's attitude and behavior. The doctor often must rely on reports from the child's moms and dads, teachers, and other adults because kids often have trouble explaining their problems or understanding their symptoms.

How Oppositional Defiant Disorder is Treated—

Treatment for ODD is determined based on many factors, including the youngster's age, the severity of symptoms, and the child's ability to participate in and tolerate specific therapies. Treatment usually consists of a combination of the following:
  • Medication: While there is no medication formally approved to treat ODD, various drugs may be used to treat some of its distressing symptoms, as well as any other mental illnesses that may be present, such as ADHD or depression.
  • Psychotherapy: Psychotherapy (a type of counseling) is aimed at helping the youngster develop more effective ways to express and control anger. A type of therapy called cognitive-behavioral therapy aims to reshape the child's thinking (cognition) to improve behavior. Family therapy may be used to help improve family interactions and communication among family members. A specialized therapy technique called parent management training (PMT) teaches moms and dads ways to positively alter their youngster's behavior.

Outlook for Kids with Oppositional Defiant Disorder—

If your youngster is showing signs of ODD, it is very important that you seek care from a qualified doctor immediately. Without treatment, kids with ODD may experience rejection by classmates and other peers because of their poor social skills and aggressive and annoying behavior. In addition, a youngster with ODD has a greater chance of developing a more serious behavioral disorder called conduct disorder. Treatment is usually very effective when started early.


Although it may not be possible to prevent ODD, recognizing and acting on symptoms when they first appear can minimize distress to the youngster and family, and prevent many of the problems associated with the illness. Family members also can learn steps to take if signs of relapse (return of symptoms) appear. In addition, providing a nurturing, supportive, and consistent home environment with a balance of love and discipline may help reduce symptoms and prevent episodes of defiant behavior.

==> My Out-of-Control Child: Parenting Children With Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Teenagers and School Behavior Problems: Tips for Parents

"My 13-year-old daughter has been acting-up quite a lot at school - especially in the lunch room. She has had 3 referrals in just the last week and may get suspended if she gets any more this month. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks."

While kids can display a wide range of behavior problems in school, from disruptive talking in the classroom to fighting and name-calling on the playground, the reasons for bad behavior are usually simple. If your daughter is acting out a lot in school, my assumption is either that she's having strong feelings and needs a hand with getting those feelings out, or that something in school is really not working for her. As a parent, you can do a number of things at home to help your child deal with her feelings. You can also change the situation in school so your child has a better time there.

How to help your child at school:

Assess the situation— Start by spending time in your daughter's classroom (volunteer as an aide for a day or two) to see what's going on. Or have a child therapist, school psychologist, or learning specialist evaluate your daughter in the classroom. You could even ask a friend or relative — your child's favorite uncle, say — to go to her school for a day. Look at the teacher's teaching style and your child's learning style: Is a mismatch in the teacher-child relationship causing your daughter to feel misunderstood or angry? Go out to the playground at recess: Is your daughter being teased or frightened and then acting out in an attempt to get someone to notice she's in trouble? You may learn a lot by spending a day in your child's environment and paying attention to her interactions with the people around her.

Check out your child's relationship with her teacher— This basic dynamic can make or break a child's experience in the classroom. Often when a child is having behavior problems in school, it comes down to a feeling that the teacher doesn't like her. To be able to learn and to act well, it's really important to kids to feel liked. Often it's enough just to bring the problem to the teacher's attention, but if your daughter somehow pushes the teacher's buttons in a way that makes it difficult for the teacher to like her, as a last resort you can look into moving your child to a different classroom. Or see if an adult who likes your daughter (such as a teacher's aide) can be added to the classroom; sometimes this is enough to smooth out troublesome behavior.
Get outside help— If you think it's necessary, get recommendations for a good therapist for your child. Interview possible candidates on the phone, and tell them you're looking for someone who can help your daughter work through the emotional issues that are making her act out at school. Tell them you're not interested in a medication approach, but are looking for someone who can work with your child's teacher and the school system and give the teacher ideas on how to handle her behavior.

Give your child a break— Sometimes the daily grind of going to a place where she is not succeeding can push a child into behavior problems. If you can, try taking a day off from school and work every once in a while to do something with your child that she really enjoys, whether it's playing a Monopoly marathon, spending the day at the beach, or just hanging out in the backyard listening to the radio. Take advantage of the times when she is home sick to get close and pay special attention to her.

Help your child remember that you care about her— Knowing that she is loved can pull a child out of a downward spiral. It can sometimes work to give your daughter a special reminder of you, something she can put in her pocket, like a little note that says ‘I love you and you're great’ – or put a picture in her lunchbox of the two of you hugging.

Strategize— I also suggest setting up conferences that include you, your daughter, and her teacher. Brainstorm together about how to make school go well for your daughter. You may want to devise a signal your child can give her teacher, such as raising two fingers, when she's feeling frustrated and restless and is about to start acting out; at these times, the teacher could give her something special to do, such as taking papers to the principal's office. Or the teacher could think of a signal, such as a tap on your daughter's shoulder, to remind her to behave without embarrassing her in front of the class.
Tell your child that she can decide where her mind goes— If your child is having a miserable time at school, she can think of you, or of the fun she's going to have after school, rather than stay trapped in bad feelings. A great example of this idea is in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, where Harry encounters some monsters called dementors who suck all the happiness out of their victims. The antidote that a powerful wizard gives Harry is to think of the best time he ever had; this allows him to gain power over the monsters.

Work with the teacher— Just having to sit still during class is a big challenge for some kids. The teacher may be open to letting your child move around or do other activities if you talk to him about it. When one of my sons was making the transition from kindergarten, where he had a lot of space to move and play while he learned, to the older grades, he had a really hard time with sitting still and not talking. One of his educators told him that while she was talking or reading it was fine for him to draw, and once he was able to do that, he stopped getting in trouble.

==> Join Online Parent Support 

"Bargaining" with Your Teenager: A Big Mistake

Moms and dads often fall into the trap of bargaining with their youngster, sometimes to make their own lives easier or because they want to be “friends” with their child, and sometimes because they feel guilt or shame about issues from the past such as getting a divorce, moving the family, or working too many hours.

Moms and dads often fall into the bargaining trap when they are unclear about which rules are negotiable and which are non-negotiable. Although bargaining with your child may resolve the immediate conflict, a pattern of bargaining could indicate an unhealthy disruption in the balance of power in the parent-child relationship.

Bargaining is often a sign that parents are losing authority over their youngster, particularly when they begin bargaining about rules that are, or should be, hard lines in the sand. Teenagers and preteens may feel a misplaced sense of entitlement that begins to wear away at a parent’s authority.

Entitlement is when someone believes they have a right to make a choice that is outside of their power. When moms and dads repeatedly let their youngster make decisions that are outside of the child’s power, the child becomes inflated with a sense of self that is inaccurate in terms of the youngster’s belief in her ability to affect the outcome of events.

Power is given to parents – not kids – for good reason. Moms and dads have the experience, knowledge, and wisdom to keep their kids safe and make good decisions for their youngster. Of course, there are times when it is fair and appropriate to negotiate and compromise with teenagers. Power can certainly be shared, but only when the outcome does not have the potential to harm the child.

Rather than bargaining with your youngster, empower him to influence the outcome of decisions that truly are negotiable and draw clear boundaries in areas that are not up for debate. For example, moms and dads may share power with a child around some of the TV programs the youngster watches. However, the parent should not share decision-making power with the child if a program has content that is too advanced for the child’s age and maturity level. This is an example of a non-negotiable item – there is no discussion or negotiation. Similarly, a middle school-aged youngster should not be allowed to negotiate about which friends she has sleepovers with, what parties she can attend, or how late she can stay out at night. Nor should a middle school child be allowed to choose not to go to school. Permitting a youngster to do so allows him to usurp the parent’s authority on matters that should be non-negotiable because they are in the child’s best interest.

Not only do parents give up their authority in the bargaining process, but they also surrender their personal power – their power to make choices that align with their personal values. For example, a parent gives away personal power when she allows a youngster to speak disrespectfully to adults without any consequences. The parent may feel powerless to stop the child from treating her in a manner that goes against her personal values.

The way to regain personal power is by maintaining boundaries. Knowing which rules are negotiable and which are non-negotiable and sticking to it is the first step. It’s also important for parents to take care of their own mental and physical health by making time for themselves. In doing so, you become a role model to your youngster, showing her how to get her needs met in a healthy way. Knowing what your values and morals are and living by them is another way to set clear guidelines for your child.

Tips for Avoiding Power Struggles—

While the occasional power struggle is a natural part of parenting, setting up a pattern of bargaining can set the stage for a contentious parent-child relationship during high school and beyond. The following are a few suggestions for avoiding power struggles with your teenager:

1. Always listen to your kids. You can validate their feelings without necessarily agreeing. For example, you may want to say, “I understand that you feel left out because everyone else is going to the party. Nevertheless, I am not comfortable with you going.”

2. Decide which rules or topics are non-negotiable. Talk with your spouse to make sure both of you are on the same page and are prepared to present a united front to your teenager.

3. Do not get stuck in an argument. Too many words are usually a sign that you are negotiating. The longer the conversation continues, the more your teenager feels she can change your mind.

4. Inform your youngster that these particular items are no longer up for negotiation and that when you, the parent, say “no” or that a topic is not up for discussion, you are exercising your legal authority to make decisions in the best interest of your youngster.

5. Inform your child which areas are open for discussion and possible negotiation.

6. Understand that if you have allowed your youngster to negotiate in the past and are trying to regain your personal power in the relationship, the process takes time. You may have to set multiple boundaries and have the same discussion several times. Teenagers will test every rule. For example, “Can I go to Jenny’s house?” “No.” “Can I go to the mall with Jenny?” “No.” “Can I study with Jenny and Sarah?” “No.”

7. Recognize that a youngster who has negotiated before will try to negotiate again – and this time, she’ll press even harder, hoping that you will give in. Parental responses to these pleas for negotiation should be neutral but firm, such as:
  • “I’m sorry you’re disappointed, but that is my final word.”
  • “If you continue to push this, I will have to _____ (e.g., ground you for the evening for not accepting my decision, take away your cell phone for 24 hours, etc.).”
  • “Nevertheless, you will not be going to Susan’s house for an overnight.”
  • “This is not negotiable. I am not comfortable with you going to Mike’s house for the reasons we have already discussed.”

The next time your youngster tries to spark a debate on a non-negotiable issue or “win” in a bargaining exchange, remember these tips and do yourself and your child a favor by drawing a clear, but fair boundary. If you have used these strategies in the past and your youngster continues to struggle with respect, rules, and authority, it may be time for a professional intervention.

==> My Out-of-Control Teen: Help for Parents

Parenting the Angry, Defiant Child

The majority of the population does not understand the dynamics of parenting a defiant child. Small expectations on the parent's part can set the defiant child off in ways that are not only indescribable, but also often unbelievable.

Family and friends may think that you - the parent - are the one with the problem. Support is non-existent, because outsiders can't even begin to imagine that children can be so destructive. Where does that leave a parent?

Without strong support and understanding, the parent will become isolated, hurt, demoralized and confused. You begin to question your parenting abilities - and your own sanity.

The ongoing stress can result in disastrous effects on our well-being, literally causing our emotional and physical health to deteriorate - as well as causing us to rage at our child, thus making a bad problem worse.

In parenting a defiant child, you will not escape adverse effects. It is essential to recognize that your feelings are typical under stressful conditions. It is just as essential to accept the fact that extensive stress is unhealthy. By recognizing the symptoms and seeking support, you will strengthen your abilities to cope.

The strains a defiant child puts on your family can be enormous.

Effects on the family:

• A defiant child will play one parent off the other, which could result in a rift between parents.
• Due to the child’s disruptive behavior, parents often withdraw from social functions.
• Parents appear to be unfair, strict and sometimes hostile, as parenting skills used with healthy children do not work with defiant children.
• Siblings and pets can often be targeted and threatened.
• Siblings often feel ignored or overlooked as the defiant child takes up so much of the parent’s time.

Defiant children are not bad - but they are very intense. And they seek intensity from others as well - especially their parents! Unfortunately, they have discovered that their parents are the most intense and exciting when things are going wrong. What parents may have viewed as punishment for their defiant child was actually a reward (i.e., he/she received a bigger payoff for misbehavior).

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