My son is ADHD, but I don't like the idea of him being on strong medication for it. Is there any natural way to treat ADHD?
Hi A.,
There are many natural treatments for ADHD, but few of them have ever been compared to a placebo, so it is hard to know if they really work.
The only natural treatments worth considering for ADHD are those based on increasing certain fatty acids in the brain. There are abnormalities in these fatty acids in the brains of people who have ADHD.
Omega-3 fatty acids may work best. Sources of Omega-3 are fish, flax seed oil, and some greens. Of these three, fish oils may work best and are worth trying -- not because they work so well -- but because they have few side effects. But there's no hard evidence that they work at all.
Sorry I don't have better news for you,