The Parent-Teen Support Group is Now Available Online

"I've tried everything --
counseling, taking away privileges, grounding --
and nothing works with this child!"

When parents have finally had enough disrespect and behavior problems with their child, they come to my office to file an incorrigibility charge  (i.e., a legal complaint due to the child being unruly and delinquent in the home).

At this point I ask the parent, "Would you be willing to try something else first before we consider filing the charge."  And most parents agree they would rather not involve their child in the "juvenile justice system" unless they absolutely have to. So I get the parent involved in my parent-program called Parent-Teen Support Group.

In this group, which meets 90 minutes each session for 4 sessions, we look at a set of highly effective unconventional parenting strategies to use with their strong-willed, out-of-control unconventional child.

I follow up with these parents weeks and months after they complete programming, and 85% to 95% of parents:
  • are able to avoid involving their child in the juvenile court system
  • report that problems in the home and school have reduced in frequency and severity
  • report that the few remaining problems are manageable

Now the Parent-Teen Support Group is available to you.  And you don't even have to leave your house to participate. 

The online version of this group is called Online Parent Support. You can access all 4 sessions at anytime can go at your own pace ...and there is no time limit.

Your child's behavior is never going to be perfect, but it can be a whole lot better than it is now. I guarantee it -- or your money back and you keep the eBook!

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Understanding Discipline for Emotionally Dysregulated Teenagers with ASD

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