Adolescents in Trouble

Adolescents in Trouble: Criminal Behavior

Links to sites providing information helpful in understanding, preventing, and coping with criminal behavior in adolescents.


·         American Bar Association Juvenile Justice Center - articles, pending legislation, and a nice annotated list of links related to juvenile justice.
·         Juvenile Justice - by the (U.S.) National Criminal Justice Reference Service
·         Juvenile Justice Clearinghouse - Many links including those to departments of juvenile justice by state.
·         U.S. Juvenile Justice Law - Legal Information Institute, Cornell law School

Information and Stats—

·         Kids and Firearms - American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
·         Kids Who Steal - American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
·         National Youth Gang Center - from the U.S. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
·         Office of Juvenile Justice Statistical Briefing Book - Facts and statistics published by this department.

Adolescents in Trouble: Substance Abuse

Links to sites providing information helpful in understanding, preventing, and coping with substance abuse.


·          Prevention Online - by the National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information
·         Addiction Search - gateway to reliable information on all aspects of addiction.


Web of Addictions Rolodex - hotline and organization contact information.

Information & Stats—

·         Adolescent Substance Abuse Knowledge Base - identify drugs, signs and usage, and treatment & solutions.
·         ASH Home Web age - News articles, documents, and statistics from Action on Smoking and Health.
·         Center for Education and Drug Abuse Research -University of Pittsburgh
·         Kids of Alcoholics - another factsheet from the AACAP.
·         Making Decisions about Substance Abuse Treatment - by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
·         Adolescents: Alcohol and Other Drugs - factsheet from the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Recovery Programs—

·         Al-Anon / Alateen - "hope and help for families and friends of alcoholics".
·         Alcohol Anonymous - Web site of the international organization.
·         Cocaine Anonymous Home Page
·         Narcotics Anonymous - site of the World Service Office.
·         Self-Help Information Sources - A long list of sites from the Web of Addictions.

Adolescents in Trouble: Runaways

Links to sites providing information helpful in understanding, preventing, and coping with runaway behavior.


·         Focus Adolescent Services - Community-based outreach program in Florida that offers information resources in addition to services for runaways and families.
·         National Center for Missing and Exploited Kids - This non-profit U.S. agency employs state-of-the-art technology to locate missing kids and adolescents.
·         National Runaway Switchboard - Volunteer organization which provides confidential help to runaways and their families, as well as information and educational services.
·         Runaway Lives - Personal stories about the runaway experience and discussion by runaways and their families.
·         Team Hope provides one-on-one support to moms/dads of missing kids through a volunteer network of moms/dads who have survived the experience. The website also offers a wealth of information on abduction, runaways, Internet enticement, etc.

Missing Kids Sites—

Cyberpage's Missing Kids Page - Lists kids missing and contact information.

Information & Stats—

·         Covenant House: For Moms/dads: Youngster Missing? - Steps to take if your youngster is discovered missing.
·         Health Needs of Homeless and Runaway Youth: A Position Paper of the Society for Adolescent Medicine - from the Journal of Adolescent Health: 1992;13:717-726.
·         Helping Runaway and Homeless Youth Grow up Safe and Secure - Remarks by U.S Secretary of Health and Human Services, Donna Shalala at the National Network for Youth Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., February 8, 1999
·         Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics - Runaways - U.S. statistics from the Department of Justice.
·         Teen Runaways, PBS Newshour transcript, May 14, 1996 - Rod Minott of KCTS-Seattle reports on how Washington State deals with teenage runaways.
·         The Iowa Legislative Report - Details Iowa's legislation which encourages counties to establish runaway assessment and treatment programs.
·         When Your Youngster Is Missing: A Family Survival Guide - Informative and sensitive site for moms/dads written (with assistance from law enforcement and youth service professionals) by moms/dads who have experienced the trauma of a missing youngster.


·         Youngster Find of America, Inc. (New York)-phone 1-800-a-way-out
·         National Missing Kids's Locate Center (Oregon)-phone 1-800-999-7846
·         National Runaway Switchboard - phone 1-800-621-4003

Travel & Communication Services—

·         Guardian Youth Escort Service
·         Contact-A-Runaway - fee-based message service for runaways and moms/dads.
·         "Home Free" Bus Service - Greyhound Lines, in conjunction with the National Runaway Switchboard, will provide free one way transportation for runaway kids returning home through its "Home Free" program.

Prevention & Intervention—

·         Youngster Find Alberta - "... providing the citizens of Alberta with programs for prevention, intervention, location and recovery, and postvention/follow up."
·         Operation Go Home- Canadian organization dedicated to reuniting runaways with their families or matching them with agencies which can provide help. Educational materials are also available.
·         The Runaway Game - "Choose-your-own-adventure" style hypertext novel with 20 different endings designed to help adolescents understand the realities of life as a runaway. At the end of each chapter, readers make choices which lead to different scenarios.
·         Understanding and Preventing Teenage Runaways - advice a clinical psychologist.
·         Youth Crisis Center of Jacksonville, Florida - one community's response to the problem of runaways includes the SAFE PLACE program begun in 1986.

Adolescents in Trouble: Suicide

Links to sites providing information helpful in understanding, preventing, and coping with suicidal behavior.


·         Mental Health Net: Suicide
·         Open Directory: Teen Suicide


·         Samaritans Online - Email and U.K./Ireland telephone support service.
·         Suicide Crisis Center - U.S. suicide hotlines.
·         Suicide Helplines - Worldwide list of hotlines.

Information and Stats—

·         HaveAHeart Homepage: A Rest Stop for the Depressed and Suicidal - Thoughtful discussion of suicidal feelings and how to cope with them by Stephen L. Bernhardt.
·         Healing of Nations - The wisdom of Native American traditions speaks to us all at this unique site. "Site index and resources" includes practical information and many relevant links.
·         SA\VE Home Page - Brief informative articles on many facets of suicide, a booklist, and statistics sources.
·         Suicide Prevention - Myths and facts offered by the University of Illinois Counseling Center.
·         Teen Suicide - American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Adolescents in Trouble: Other Mental Disorders

Links to sites providing information helpful in understanding, preventing, and coping with mental disorders in adolescents.

Specialized Search Engines and Directories—

PsychCrawler - Search for info at the American Psychological Association site, the National Institute of Health, and seven other authoritative sites.


·         Internet Mental Health
·         School Psychology Resources Online - Includes many links to sites about specific disorders.

Specific Disorder Sites—

·         Depression Resource Center


·         American Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Facts for Families - Very informative fact sheets in English and Spanish covering a wide range of adolescent and family problems, their treatment, and coping strategies.

Adolescents in Trouble: Eating Disorders

Links to sites providing information helpful in understanding, preventing, and coping with eating disorders in adolescents.


·         Anorexic Web - Very thoughtful, personal, and honest site is maintained by an eating disorders counselor who is also a recovering anorexic.
·         Caring Online: offers a wide variety of resources dealing with all aspects of eating disorders, including support and personal stories.
·         International Eating Disorder Referral Organization - Provides information and treatment resources for all forms of eating disorders.
·         The Something Fishy Website on Eating Disorders - excellent informative site

Hotlines and Discussion Groups—

·         Something Fishy: Online Support - includes online chats, bulletin boards, support groups, and email newsletters.

Information and Stats—

·         Adolescents with Eating Disorders - American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
·         Eating Disorder Recovery: Information & Links - Informative and encouraging site with a focus on therapy by a licensed psychotherapist.
·         Athletes with Eating Disorders - Factsheets on all aspects by Anorexia Nervosa and Related Eating Disoarders, Inc.

Adolescents in Trouble: Learning Disorders

Links to sites providing information helpful in understanding, preventing, and coping with eating disorders in adolescents.


·         LD Resources
·         Learning Disabilities -American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry


·         Math Learning Disabilities
·         Kids Who Can't Pay Attention - American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
·         CH.A.D.D. - Kids and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder
·         About Learning Disabilities - Facts and myths from the Child Development Institute.


Adolescents in Trouble: Talk with Other Moms/dads

Newsgroups, Discussion Lists, Bulletin Boards & Chats—

·         alt.moms/dads-adolescents
·         Forum One - Search engine for over 280,000 message boards and other online discussions.
·         Google Groups - Search this massive index of Internet discussion groups and post messages.
·         KidSource Online Forums
·         KMH-L - Discussion list for moms/dads and professionals discussing mental health issues in kids and adolescents.
·         Liszt Directory of E-mail Discussion Groups - Search for a discussion list on a topic.
·         Parenting-L
·         The Parenting Chat
· - Similar to Liszt Directory above.

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