Don't "Half-Ass" The Program


Here are some questions:

1. How long do most teens need before you see some improvement?
2. How long do most use this silent treatment for?
3. I have been looking at these brat camp/wilderness camps. What are your thoughts on those?



Re: How long do most teens need before you see some improvement?

It all depends on how much you are applying the principles outlined in the ebook. Parents who do not “half-ass” the program usually begin to experience success within the first week. What I see most often, however, is the parent skims through the printable version of the ebook and then tries to wing it. This is the kiss of failure. A better approach is to read the printable version followed by reading the online version and listening to ALL the audio files.

Re: How long do most use this silent treatment for?
As long as he has resentment flu.

Re: I have been looking at these brat camp/wilderness camps. What are your thoughts on those?

I don’t recommend either. However, boarding schools might be a consideration. 

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