16-year-old dates 19-year-old...

Hi Mark-

My problem is my 16 yr. old son. A few weeks before his birthday, he ran away with a 19 yr. old girl. He was gone for 2 months. he is at Sycamore place right now, picked up for minor consumption as well as being a runaway. He insists that he is going to be with this 19 yr. old, regardless of what I say, do or think. He goes to court on Nov. 13th. My husband (has raised him since he was 2) says my son is not going to come back home. I don't know what I can or should do. Any suggestions?

Thanks for any help,



Is your husband saying 'he doesn't believe your son will come back home' or is he saying 'he insists that your son live elsewhere'. If it's the later, you don't have a choice. If you are the legal guardian, you have to take him back.

You will NOT be able to keep your son from seeing his g-friend. The only way that is going to happen is if he's locked up - which can't last forever. Fortunately, you have some support from probation. You can go to them and file other charges in the event he returns home and starts violating house rules again. At this point, I would let probation take the lead.


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