Hi Mark,
The first couple of weeks of trying your strategies seemed to be working. But a couple of days ago my teen started acting out again. He starts pushing me around, kind of his way of looking for a fight. I tried to keep as calm as possible and I left the house for a class. I came back and my son had left the house with a note saying that he went by his dad's (which he hasn't been by for 2 years and refuses to go) and that if that doesn't work out, then he is going to kill himself (which he has been saying for a long time now and even admits that he is just saying that). I called him on his cell the night he took off and he said he was by Grandma's house (where he normally runs to) and said the reason he left is because I took away his freedom (I started taking a class and this was my 2nd week and he has to stay in the house while I am gone).
Please advise.
Hi Linda,
It is going to be nearly impossible to keep him “in the house” while you are gone. Instead, drive him to his grandma’s house or dad’s house and instruct them that your son is not to leave their house (unless going somewhere in their company) until you return.
Also let him know that the next time he “pushes you around” – which is misdemeanor battery – you will call the police and file charges.
Re: killing himself - This, even by his own admission, is a manipulation.
My Out-of-Control Teen
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