Hateful Daughter

My 15 year old is hateful, tells me to shut up, be quiet, calls me stupid -- then wants me to fix her hair, take her to a friend’s, have her boyfriend over, or take them somewhere etc.

If I ask her to do something, she gets mad or says “I will do it later.” She just broke her arm a second time due to tumbling class that I didn't want her to go to, so I finally gave in -- and this happens. I coached cheerleading for 4 years, don't know, and she says I don't care etc.

I am under constant stress with her. She was so sweet. This is my 3rd daughter to act this way. My son never did, thank you.


Hi L.,

Gee -- your daughter sounds like all the other kids I work with. You are definitely not alone.

At the risk of giving you a “sales pitch,” the e-book that I wrote (My Out-of-Control Teen) is specifically for parents who are experiencing what you are experiencing: problems associated with unconventional, strong-willed, out-of-control teens.

People often asked me, “What do you mean by ‘unconventional’ teens.” What I mean is this: These kids enjoy intense interactions with others, especially their parents. They are not out to get you as the parent, but they are out to get your energy – in any form they can.

Unfortunately, the use of “traditional” or “conventional” parenting strategies reward the child for negative behavior, thus making it more likely the child will continue the “rewarded’ behavior.

I’m sorry this has turned into a “Sales Letter,” but your best bet would be to download my e-book and use me as your consultant. If you ware willing to work with me, I can promise you we will get the problems turned around.

What makes me so confident?

I follow-up with parents who complete my program, and the vast majority report that problems in the home occur less frequently and with less intensity. For example, instead of 14 arguments a week, there are only 3. And when the problems do arise, they are fairly easy to manage.

I hope to be working with you soon.

Here’s to a better home environment,

Mark Hutten, M.A.

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