My Son's Father Works Against Me

One of the members of Online Parent Support recently told me that her ex-husband is not on the same page with her regarding discipline. Sometimes he cooperates with her, other times he does his own thing -- which undermines her.

Her oldest son lives with his father, but visits her a couple times a week. The son does not like visiting mom, because mom has rules and dad does not (not many anyway). So here was my response:


Good to hear from you A.,

I think I detect a bit of cooperation from your ex, although he does not like to be the "bad guy" and does not like to be put in the middle (i.e., between you and your son).

If you haven't already done so, please give you ex a copy of the ebook. Is he open to trying a few new things? If he will get on the same page with you, the two of you will have tremendous success with your eldest son.

However, if your husband "does his own thing" as far as discipline (or lack thereof), then we must revert back to the strategy I talked about in the last email (i.e., 'strategy' is about what you CAN control).

==> My Out-of-Control Teen: Help for Parents

If your ex seems to always work against you (e.g., withdraw a discipline you have already imposed, blame you for the families problems, etc.), then I encourage you to cultivate the "art of letting go."

"Letting go" would look something like this:

-- Your ex has his rules; you have your rules

-- When your son is with dad, he can operate under dad's rules

-- When your son is at your residence, he must operate under your rules

-- If he does not like your rules, he can choose to (a) follow your rules anyway, or (b) leave your residence and go back to dad's

-- If your ex is working against you rather than with you, take no complaints from him regarding your son's behavior (e.g., You might say to your ex, "If you are having problems with our son while he is at your house, I cannot help you as long as you operate under a different set of rules than what I have.")

I think your ex needs to experience some painful emotions associated with his poor parenting choices. Use the strategies I discuss in the eBook on both your son and your ex.

Stay in touch,


I Feel Helpless

"I have bought your ebook and wanted your advice. I spilt from my partner 2 years ago, and my eldest son who is 13 nearly 14 stayed with his dad. The problem I have is our son is out of control, and I feel helpless, as my son is just how you describe, and his dad is exactly how you describe. I do punishments and follow them through, but how can I get his dad to see that him giving our son whatever he wants is the cause for his behaviour -- and is not because his dad and I parted. His dad can say he is grounded, but then lets his friends sleep over. I'm at my wits end with worry and feel so helpless. When I was with my ex, this was always a big problem, because whenever I said no, it would be "I’ll ask dad ...he will let me" -- and yes he would. Any help or advice would be great. Many thanks A."


Hi A.,

There are two things that will happen:

1.Dad (your ex) will be on the same page as you …or
2.Dad will NOT be on the same page as you

If it is likely that dad will read the eBook and follow the same strategies as you, feel free to give him a copy so he can read it.

What I think I hear you saying, however, is that dad will not work with you. Dad wants to be the “good guy,” and has been successful in doing so.

In this case, you need a strategy. And strategy is about what you can control. So we must look at what things you can and cannot control.

Let’s look first at what you cannot control, and let’s be honest about this:

·You cannot control your son (nor can your ex)
·You cannot control your ex (he cannot control you either)
·You cannot control how your ex chooses to parent your son (he cannot control how you choose to parent either)

So the above things cannot be controlled, thus they should not be part of your strategy.

What can you control?

·You can control the things your son enjoys while at your house (e.g., telephones, television, toys, games, freedom for activities, junk food, toiletries, favorite cloths, bedroom doors, furniture, etc).

While your son may not be willing to work for the things you want, he will usually work for the things he wants. By controlling the things he wants, you can motivate him to change unwanted behaviors.

You must be willing to be the “bad guy” for your son’s sake.

So, “let go” of those things you cannot control. Focus instead on those things you can control.

At this point, I’ll need more information about what’s going on between you and your ex before I can offer additional feedback.

Stay in touch,

Mark Hutten, M.A.

Click here for more help:

==> Effective Disciplinary Techniques for Defiant Teens and Preteens 

I Want My Baby Back

My son was just recently diagnosed ODD, although I suspected for quite some time. Is there ever a time where it is too late to begin these techniques? Things are escalating here and there has been some drinking and smoking marijuana. He has disappeared in his car for 8 hrs before and he ran away Friday night -- the police found him after 3 hours and brought him home. He shows no remorse for this and I've found on his website that he almost brags about it -- a badge of honor of sorts.

I am truly at my wits end as I don't know where to go with this behavior. We have contemplated sending him to a residential treatment facility, however, those are very pricey and I would prefer to keep him in the home and "fix" everything. I don't want to be unrealistic, I just want my "baby" back. I need to see a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel!!

Thanks for your help!


Hi C.,

There is NEVER a time where it is too late. By the time I get referrals to my program, the teen is, on average, 17-years-old.

I have to tell you though, you will never get your baby back. You managed nearly every aspect of your son's life for many many years. But at some point, he fired you as the manager and said (in his own words) "I'll take it from here."

You will never be able to manage your son's life again -- BUT -- you can be re-hired as a consultant, and I'll show you how.

The ODD child will never work for what the parent wants, but he will work for what he wants.

Parents with an ODD child cannot control that child, but they can "influence" him to make better choices.

But they must have a plan, and the plan must be somewhat "unconventional" in nature. Unconventional or non-traditional kids need unconventional, non-traditional parenting strategies.

Traditional strategies DO NOT WORK. Instead, they make a bad problem worse.

Please download "My ODD Child" eBook, listen to my ODD seminar, view the power point presentations, email or call me as needed. And I promise you that this nightmare will soon end.


My Asperger's Child: I had to finally exclude him from my family home 10 months ago on police advice...

"My son is soon to be 16 years. I had to finally exclude him from my family home 10 months ago on police advice. My daughter and I had been living in fear of him. We had been subjected to his domestic violence and abuse. I could not protect my daughter and I could not protect myself any longer. He has been living in private foster care near to our home, which I pay for. He is at private school, which I have continued to pay for to 'keep part of his life in order'.

For the past 3 years my son believed that he had to 'teach me a lesson' which was to threaten his family group with violence, aggression and irrational control. At 13 he decided that he wanted a life on 'the streets', which does not fit with the civilised culture he was raised with.

But he got his way and despite numerous initiatives to address his defiance and abuse, he continued to pursue his desires. I have engaged, worked with, researched and despaired with police, psychologists, mentors, psychiatrists, youth workers, advisors, mental health advocates, teachers, peer associates, close family friends, and NLP specialists who work with teens. I employed a skilled educational psychologist last year that diagnosed ODD, ADD and Asperger Syndrome, as my son has always failed to reach potential at school. He is a skilled, confident and manipulative communicator.

My son was raised in a loving, non-aggressive and safe home. I am an advocate for children who have been subjected to bullying, and a teacher of young children specialising in dance and drama. I am a creative, honest and dependable human being that my son has transcribed as being mentally sick, worthless and unstable. These are his reasons for believing that his actions, which have now destroyed our family life, were justified.

He courts danger and then expects the trusted adults around him to bail him out and continue to support him, without question. I live in England. I have found telephone support from charities such as Young Minds, but within the mental health system and children's social care, there is no support for parents who are being abused by their own children.

These organisations only comprehend that children are being abused and therefore consider the parents to be at fault. I have researched and become educated within many areas associated with mental health, adolescent behaviours and education etc. I continue to read, but so far I have been unable to find a way of reasoning with my son. He blocks every avenue that I have resourced or tried. I am responsible for a human who has reneged on all of his family values. There was another visit from the police today. Can you forward some further information onto me regarding your guidance? I am unable to access all the info on your website. Can your book help me and help his foster parents try and bring this wayward young person back to a place of rational or responsible behaviour? Thanks for any comments/advice you may be able to provide. ~ A."

Hi A.,

You may believe that your situation is dire relative to other parents’ situations. But with all due respect, your story sounds just like all the other stories I hear. Thus, take heart that you are not alone. There are hundreds of thousands of parents who are experiencing similar difficulties with their children.

My job necessarily involves working with children who are experiencing emotional and behavioral problems associated with various mental disorders. For example:

· Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
· Conduct Disorder (CD)
· Depression (Major Depressive Disorder or Adjustment Disorder with Depressed Mood)
· Bipolar Disorder
· Asperger's Disorder
· Generalized Anxiety Disorder
· Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

I also work with the parents of these children.

The last Asperger’s child I worked with is now making the honor role at his alternative school and has been declared the “group leader” by his teachers. His mother and I had a long conversation last Friday (10/13/2006), and she described numerous improvements in his behavior both at home and school – and she did it, not me! I showed her how to be the therapist.

How many times have you told someone, “Nothing works with this kid”? I hear it all the time.

If your child truly suffers from Asperger’s, then you have an intense child. He enjoys intensity. He seeks intensity from you too (e.g., your being animated, arguing, lecturing, getting angry, etc.).

Unfortunately, he has discovered that you are much more interesting and animated when he behaves inappropriately (e.g., when he bullies, threatens, intimidates, etc.). If an intense child believes he can get a greater payoff for negative behaviors, he will repeat the pattern over an over again. This is the cycle your son is in currently.

Intense children are not out to get us as parents. They are out to get our energy. They want us to be exciting to them. What you may view as punishment or discipline may actually be rewards to your child. He literally has an addiction to negative reactions.

You can’t really stop Asperger’s children from breaking the rules. They already know what the rules are, and it gets old trying to convince them not to break rules. But you can deliver a consequence in a way that doesn’t accidentally reward them for negative behavior. And you can give your child your energy when things are going right rather than when they are going wrong.

I find that when parents have a few simple tools in dealing with a high-intensity child, they actually do a much better job of influencing him to change his behavior than a judge, counselor, therapist, psychologist, police officer, etc.

Can I give you an idea real quick? A change agent is someone who influences another person to make some improvements in his behavior.

If you lived near me, we could meet one-on-one (me, you and your son), and I’d be the change agent. But I would only see the two of you about 10 to 20 times (10 to 20 hours).

But I’d rather show you how to be the change agent, and you’ll do a much better job because you’re the child’s parent, and you will see him every day as long as he continues to live at home (thousands of hours).

See if you are willing to take a step of faith. Whether you download my eBook or not, you may continue to email me. I believe I can help you make a difference in your son’s life.

Your child doesn’t need counseling. If you’ve already tried counseling, you found that it was just another failed attempt at changing your son’s unwanted behavior. What he does need, however, is for you to use the parenting strategies I discuss in my eBook.

Why do I sound so confident? Well, I’m 50 years old and have worked with children who have emotional/behavioral problems and their parents for nearly 20 years. You learn a few things along the way. I’m sure you understand.


How Can Your Program Help?


I came upon your site when searching for support group for parents of bipolar children. I have 2 sons 12 & 15. They are running over me because I just do not know what else to do. I am ready to give up. They fight constantly. I am a single parent & HAVE ACTUALLY THOUGHT OF RUNNING AWAY FROM HOME! How can your program help!?

Hi Kim,

My program is an online parent support group with several additional components.

In my day job, I work with teens and pre-teens who are experiencing emotional and behavioral problems associated with Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Conduct Disorder, ADHD and Bipolar Disorder. I also work with their parents.

When parents of these children use a specific set of unique parenting strategies (which I talk about in my book), they are quite successful at helping their child behave appropriately both at home and school.

You may download my book here:

You get an online version and a printable, hard-copy version.

Here a just a few of the additional benefits of joining Online Parent Support. You'll have access to:

---Live Audio Recordings of the entire parent-program I conduct at Madison Superior Court

---Power Point Presentations shown during the program

---Online Parent Support Website (updated daily with many additional parenting resources)

This website is ranked #1 in MSN for parenting "out of control" teens.

---Bonus eBook Site (I obtain re-distribution rights to other parenting eBooks and offer them FOR FREE to members; currently there are 22 additional eBooks for download - $418. value)

---Bi-weekly Newsletter (provides additional resources for parenting today's teens and pre-teens)

---Access to me via phone, email, or Chat Room (always feel free to contact me as often as needed while you begin to implement your new parenting strategies)

---100% Money Back Guarantee

--- and much more...

Yes it costs only $29. But if you can find another program as good or better than mine for under 30 bucks -- you better take it.

Here's to a better home environment,


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