What's Fair Game?

Dear Mark,

I've been reading your e-book, My Out-of-Control Teen, and I've gotten some good ideas already. One thing that I'm not sure how to handle is taking away things as a discipline. Our 16-year-old son has a computer and video games that he bought himself with money that he earned at his part-time job. When we threaten to take these away from him, he says we can't because he paid for them. How should we handle this?

Thank you for your help.



Hi S.,

First of all, here's the link to the page of the eBook that most applies:

Look for the section entitled ==> When You Want Something From Your Kid

Secondly, if he EARNED his computer and games, then you shouldn't take those items away as part of discipline; however, he does live in your house ...and you pay for the electricity. So, in using the strategy in the section listed above, you can add one caveat:

Issue a warning by saying to him, "If you choose to __________________ (the behavior that is unacceptable), then you'll choose the consequence, which is as follows: You will be charged a fee (to be paid within 7 days) for using the electricity in my house, and if you cannot - or will not - help pay the electric bill, then you'll choose to (a) have the electricity shut off to your room or (b) loose the power cord to your computer (for 1 - 3 days)."

If he engages in the inappropriate behavior after the warning, then follow through with the consequence. If he refuses to accept this consequence, then take everything away (except the disabled computer and games) and ground him for 3 - 7 days.

This may sound ridiculous, but he needs to understand that using your electricity for his entertainment is a privilege - not a right.


P.S. This is representative of how the "real world" operates. That's why you're doing this - to prepare him for the real world.

Online Parent Support

At school he is a TERROR...

Dear Mark-

I purchased your program and at the part that is basically saying, eat dinner with them and tell them good night. The program says not to skip and to read it step by step -which is fine but in the meantime things are not good! Truly at home my son is pretty good (now that I have a boyfriend that will not take his crap) but at school he is a TERROR. I get calls from the office daily. Today he stole a drink in the cafeteria then when caught shoved it across the table getting it all over another student, threatened to beat up the kid that told on him and cussed out the Principal. Well he is expelled from school for 10 days now. But this type stuff goes on *every single day*.

I take away his ps2, ground him from tv- which makes him all sad and but it is not helping the behavior at school- he acts DEVASTATED every time he gets in trouble that he just cant believe it all happened and knows he is going to be in trouble and is very upset about being in trouble - yet the behavior continues.

I will keep on doing the program but for now tonight other than eating dinner with him and telling him good night - I am simply without a clue.

Do you have any suggestions on how I can handle this tonight when I get home? He already has his ps2 and tv taken away. I know to keep my poker face but how can I effectively punish him - or get thru to him to help him not want to be such a nightmare.

It this all truly just because he want attention?

Your is appreciated-



For now, I don't want you to do anything differently than what you would ordinarily do. If we make a bunch of changes too quickly - it will backfire. Only do one session per week - and only implement one set of assignments per week. In the meantime, just do what you have been doing until you come to parts of the eBook that instruct you otherwise.


Online Parent Support

Do you think my 2-week period for her is too long?

I have one question for you, if you could help me out on this: right now, my 16-yr old daughter was given an ultimatum (from me) that she had to live with her dad for a cooling off period of two weeks, without a cellphone, because she was destroying some internal house property, as well as becoming threatening to me, totally disregarding curfew, swearing at me, etc. I notice in your book you recommend a 3-day punishment period only. My daughter’s deal was that at the end of the 2-wk cooling off period, assuming she could agree to a basic contract of respectful behaviour, we’d try it again (ie. I have her at home). It’s only been in effect since Monday. Do you think my 2-week period for her is too long? (assuming she agrees to the contract earlier? What if she doesn’t agree?). With all her behavioural problems, she has still gotten decent marks at school (despite a number of absences), as well as she holds down a good little part-time job (which unfortunately I think enables her to buy drugs – soft ones, I don’t honestly think she’s into anything hard. I do know she has had alcohol and continues to party with it a bit). She does put a part of each paycheque away for savings. It’s the swearing, lying, curfew breaking, belligerence, total lack of respect for property, etc. that is way out of hand). Thoughts?


I think 2 weeks is fine. I don't see "living with dad" as punishment. It's probably a good thing that the two of you have some time away from one another while you re-group and decide of some new strategies.


Online Parent Support

How to "break into" the juvenile justice field...

Mark-- I'm a mom, high school teacher, and foster mom. I love working with "out of control" kids, which is why I bought your ebook. While my house is perfectly peaceful, I wanted to know what to tell my students' parents when they ask me what to do. I had to read the book before I could recommend it. I've read only a part of it, but I know already that I will be assigning your book for parent homework! My question, though, is more self-serving. I've been in education for 14 years and am certified in 5 areas including special education. I am led to work with more troubled kids. I want to work in juvenile justice, and although I've applied week after week for the past 2 years, I've received no acknowledgment of my application. Having read the job qualifications and preferred candidate profiles, I know I would be an asset. Further, I've read news paper articles discussing the shortage in this field. Can you give me some idea how to "break into" the juvenile justice field (it sounds like I'm trying to break into Hollywood, huh? But the pay won't be as good...). If you have time to give me some ideas, I would appreciate it; do not feel obligated, however. I recognize that your time is valuable. I'm in Austin, TX by the way. Have a great day, Angela 


Since you are a teacher, you may want to consider teaching in a secure detention unit for juveniles. This could be at your local juvenile detention facility or the closet DOC for juveniles in Austin. ~ Mark

Is Your Teenage Son Smoking Pot?

"I'm a mother of a teenager son. He seems to have developed an aggressive attitude as of late. Also, he seems hyper and agitated most of the time. Is that a sign of smoking marijuana?"

A pot smoker usually behaves just the opposite of what you're describing. Marijuana has the opposite effect. It's an anti-aggressive kind of a drug. I can tell you that once testosterone hits at puberty, teens can become aggressive. 
Also, other drugs on the market trigger aggression. Chronic marijuana abusers may get testy in between highs, but aggression is not the most common symptom.

The change you're most likely to see (if he is smoking pot) is that your son will appear slowed down and dull. The change is subtle, though, so it's really only noticeable because you're familiar with what's normal for your son. Also, a pot smoker may or may not have wet, red eyes, but the real giveaway is his breath. The smell will clue you in every time.

I don't want anything I say to reduce your suspicions, however. Every parent of American teenagers needs to be suspicious about drug use. The time to talk to your teens about drugs is before you notice any behavioral changes. So, for you, it's time to get started. 
Rather than focusing on "is it this" or "is it that," talk to your son about what he is dealing with in his life right now.

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I stood up to her and gave her limits...

Dear Mr. Hutten,

Thank you for saving my family. When my 13 year old daughter turned into an angry out of control person last spring I had no idea of how to handle her. Nor did the therapists I consulted. I thought I might have to put her into a residential treatment program.

I found your website and downloaded your book. I refer to it as "the Bible." My daughter's behavior turned around the instant I stood up to her and gave her limits. The change was amazing and all for the good. It has helped me to be clear, less reactive, calmer and more loving. And a lot firmer. If a situation arises I feel that I know what to do. What action to take. (Usually: Ground her!)

In other words, you are a genius! I am deeply grateful.

J. B.

Online Parent Support

Boys Ranch?

Thank you for your telephone conversation with me today on Sunday and helping me with getting the online version; somehow just hearing from the real person who began this program was a sense of hope that this may be my first successful door to help my troubled 15 year old teenager.

I have contemplated and contacted twice The Boys Ranch for troubled teens in the last 2 years; due to mixed reasons such as unsupport of my husband (doesn't want to send our child away), the on / off times of my child with seemingly better behavior only to get in trouble again, and myself torn between to send him or not are all reasons I have not sent him their for help. But things have only escalated with him; this place is a free facility, as I do not have the finances otherwise for somewhere else. I can't remember if there is a minimal time that your child has to be there once enrolled or not; I just felt this would be a very controlled environment with one on one adult supervision and counseling because right now he resides in a very disruptive home environment where my husband and I have serious marital problems (that is a whole other topic I am trying to make a decision about) and also sending him here I thought would help him realize that he his hanging around people and friends at school that influence in all the wrong ways, including doing drugs, taking over the home, constant disrespect, round-about- death threats on me, running away, likes to mix things to make things blow up, plays with fire, shoves me, uses his physical force with at times, manipulates my child safe program on the computer by hacking my administrator password, and as had numerous downloaded adult porn sites/videos on the computer which I had the computer restored to wipe that out; these are a few of the things I can mention that I am dealing with.

Could you please give me your input if you think it would be beneficial to send my teenager to The Boys Ranch or not in addition to your program? Thank you once again.


I don't think it will hurt anything for your son to go to a ranch; however, you should know that - unless you make changes on your end - your son's behavior, when he returns home, will be the same as before. "Positive change" that occurs in ranches, camps, wilderness programs, etc. has no longevity.


My Out-of-Control Teen

How do I get my over-achieving daughter to slow down?

"I have taken the quiz and surprisingly found that I was a severely over indulgent parent. This angers me because I didn't think...