He says he’s not coming back home...

My 16 year old is smoking weed and he knows i have 0 tolerance for this behavior so he moves in with his dad that has major drug issues himself so therefore he has no guidance. What do I do? He says he’s not coming back home and doesn't answer or return my calls.....HELP!!!


Hi C.,

I would allow him to stay with his father. Of course, it will be highly likely that the two of them will have a major blowout at some point, at which time your son will want to return to your house. Then you’ll have some leverage (i.e., able to enforce the “no pot smoking” policy in your home).


My Out-of-Control Teen

I have an 18 year-old daughter who left home for 10 days after an argument...

I have an 18 year-old daughter who left home for 10 days after an argument. We thought she was staying with girlfriends. We found out she was staying with a 26 yr-old boyfriend that we never had met. Our niece told us that he was in jail for drug pushing. He bought her things and gave her a place to stay. I found her walking down the street last night and insisted that she come home. She did and threatened to leave home as soon as she could to be with him - because he makes her happy and does not pressure her like we do. What should be our next move? Should we take away her stuff? In particular her cell phone to try to find a phone number or where this guy lives. Or is it too late since she is legally an adult?


Hi B.,

Re: What should be our next move?

Help her move out.

Re: Should we take away her stuff?

No. She’s an adult now that needs to begin the process of leaving the nest.

Re: Or is it too late since she is legally an adult?

I think you have bigger fish to fry than worrying about her boyfriend. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to help her move out.

Remember, self-reliance is key. Whenever in doubt, ask yourself, “Will the decision I’m about to make foster the development of self-reliance – or inhibit it?” Clearly, keeping her from moving out will inhibit such development.

I understand you have heard that her “boyfriend” is a pusher. However, she will need to learn some life-lessons and make up her own mind whether or not this guy is the person she really wants to “hang” with. Don’t save her from this opportunity to learn a valuable lesson. She may fall …she may want to return home. If so, let her return briefly – then get busy helping her move out on her own again -- or help her begin college.


My Out-of-Control Adult Child

She is adopted from Poland, and has a gypsy background...

The problem we have is our daughter is not under the Juvenile system in Singapore any longer. She knows it, and today the school phoned me to say that she does her utter best of getting expelled from school …also self mutilates so she can come back to Singapore and live her live of “FREEDOM” ...doing what she wants, when she wants, absolutely nothing affects her, when disciplined she runs away. Sleeps on the streets, goes clubbing, drinks, smokes and gets into drugs. Unknown friends help her….

By the way Mark she is adopted from Poland, and has a gypsy background. We have had her since she was 9 months.

Do we let her stay with us, lock all doors as she steals from us, comes and goes as she pleases? Send her to find a Job? No school in Singapore will take her.

She plays the role promises, signs whatever you want and on the first occasion runs away, does not care about consequences.

One month in The Singapore Girls Home in March and July are as quickly forgotten as a nightmare. She is a challenge for an experienced psychologist, and we have no idea why she makes the choices she does.

Her non-communicating attitude does not help, as we have already sent her 14 days to a psychological clinic for a diagnosis. Result, knows what she does and totally responsible for her actions.

So if we let go of the outcome, how can we possibly live with her at home in unbearable circumstances?

At the moment the whole situation affects my husband’s work, as he needs to take off every time we have a situation.

Thank you so much for your support, and I hope you can give us some advice for the handling of this impossible child.

Mr. & Mrs. G.


Hi Mr. & Mrs. G.,

"Letting go of the outcome" does indeed include "letting go of her" (i.e., letting go of the daughter you hoped you would have had).

It would be much easier -- and a whole lot less painful -- to simply beat your head against a brick wall than it would be to allow her to continue to live in your home.

Troubled adopted children (like troubled non-adopted children) will often display observable signs that they need help. The following list shows a few possible indicators. If your adopted daughter exhibits just one or two of the problems described in this section (with the exception of the last four items on the list), she may have a temporary problem. But if three or more of these problems show up, or any of the last four, she may only improve with several years of professional help:

  • Association with undesirable friends
  • Change in sleep habits (needing too little sleep or sleeping all the time)
  • Deteriorating personal hygiene
  • Frequent lying or evasion
  • Lack of friends
  • Loss of interest in hobbies or friends
  • Obsession with fears and worries
  • Persistent “orphanage behavior,” such as rocking or head-banging that occurs beyond the toddler years
  • Serious drop in grades
  • Slow physical or mental development
  • Sudden loss of appetite or extremely increased appetite
  • Runs away for extended periods of time
  • Physical violence or attacks
  • Antisocial behavior such as stealing, starting fires, or harming animals
  • Self-injurious behavior (cutting or harming oneself)
  • Substance abuse

Perhaps one of the major oversights adoptive parents make -- one that agencies fail to adequately prepare parents for -- is the role anger plays in the life of the adopted child. Many parents that I consult with mistakenly believe that a loving, stable home is enough for the adopted child …that a good home environment will make better all the losses or traumas from the past. To the adopted child, however, love isn't enough. They have lost a great deal and they typically get little validation for this from those around them. Instead, many get the message they should stop wallowing and be grateful.

Those of us who weren't adopted cannot fully grasp the meaning of being given away. As I work with adoptive parents on listening to their child, this issue becomes paramount. From the adult perspective, the adopted child was taken out of an unsafe environment and this should be seen as good. From the child's point of view, however, something very valuable was taken away: their home, their identity, and their family.

Children are quite adept at communicating their feelings. Strange as it is, adults consistently miss the messages. For the adopted child, anger is his way of communicating feelings of loss, grief, fear, and terror. Unfortunately, these messages get misinterpreted and the child subsequently gets labeled as defiant.

Most Americans who adopt children from other countries find joy. But others aren't prepared for the risks—and may find themselves overwhelmed. I am certainly not suggesting that adults stop adopting children. Nor am I insinuating that every adopted child will have behavioral or emotional disturbance. What I am pointing out, however, is that the needs and concerns of adopted children are unique. When we truly listen to the adopted child, we can better understand how he or she is attempting to make sense out of a life where they are asked to relinquish one identity and assume another. Further, by being sensitive to the inner reality of the adopted child, we let them know we understand how confusing it can be to live in a world of ghosts, surrogate parents, and loss.

Adoption triggers five lifelong or core issues, regardless of the circumstances of the adoption or the characteristics of the participants:

  1. Grief
  2. Guilt and shame
  3. Identity problems
  4. Intimacy problems
  5. Sense of loss

It is not my intent here to question adoption, but rather to challenge some adoption assumptions, specifically, the persistent notion that adoption is not different from other forms of parenting and the accompanying disregard for the pain and struggles inherent in adoption.

Adoption is created through loss; without loss there would be no adoption. Loss, then, is at the hub of the wheel. Adopted children suffer their first loss at the initial separation from the birth family. Awareness of their adopted status is inevitable. Even if the loss is beyond conscious awareness, recognition, or vocabulary, it affects the adoptee on a very profound level. Any subsequent loss, or the perceived threat of separation, becomes more formidable for adopted children than their non-adopted peers.

The grief process in adoption, so necessary for healthy functioning, is further complicated by the fact that there is no end to the losses, no closure to the loss experience. Loss in adoption is not a single occurrence. There is the initial, identifiable loss and innumerable secondary sub-losses. Loss becomes an evolving process, creating a theme of loss in both the individual's and family's development. Those losses affect all subsequent development.

Adopted children seldom are able to view their placement into adoption by the birthparents as anything other than total rejection. Adopted children even at young ages grasp the concept that to be "chosen" means first that one was "un-chosen," reinforcing adopted children' lowered self-concept. Society promulgates the idea that the "good" adoptee is the one who is not curious and accepts adoption without question. At the other extreme of the continuum is the "bad" adoptee who is constantly questioning, thereby creating feelings of rejection in the adoptive parents.

Adopted children suggest that something about their very being caused the adoption. The self-accusation is intensified by the secrecy often present in past and present adoption practices. These factors combine to lead the adoptee to conclude that the feelings of guilt and shame are indeed valid.

Adopted children lacking medical, genetic, religious, and historical information are plagued by questions such as: Who are they? Why were they born? Were they in fact merely a mistake, not meant to have been born, an accident? This lack of identity may lead adopted children, particularly in adolescent years, to seek out ways to belong in more extreme fashion than many of their non-adopted peers. Adolescent adopted children are over represented among those who join sub-cultures, run away, become pregnant, or totally reject their families.

Adopted children are keenly aware that they were not party to the decision that led to their adoption. They had no control over the loss of the birth family or the choice of the adoptive family. The adoption proceeded with adults making life-altering choices for them. This unnatural change of course impinges on growth toward self-actualization and self-control. Adolescent adopted children, attempting to master the loss of control they have experienced in adoption, frequently engage in power struggles with adoptive parents and other authority figures. They may lack internalized self-control, leading to a lowered sense of self-responsibility. These patterns, frequently passive/aggressive in nature, may continue into adulthood.

I know this information doesn’t help you solve any problems, but I hope it helps you understand your daughter a bit better.


My Out-of-Control Teen

I are currently experiencing the "getting worse before it gets better" that you mentioned...

Hi G.,

I’ve responded throughout your email below:

Dear Mark,

I've written to you before. I had asked you about birth control for my daughter. Just a couple of questions as we move forward these next couple of weeks.

Anyway, my husband and I are currently experiencing the "getting worse before it gets better" that you mentioned. Our 15-year-old daughter has now resorted to telling me quite frequently, not her father "You can shut up now!" He is finding this as frustrating as I am right now. We are having difficulty just getting her to sit and talk to us. We tried the sample contract regarding fair fighting to establish some ground rules for all 3 of us only to be told "I'm not signing anything". She is not interested in anything to do with "feelings" and we are "too late" to make changes. She tells us what she is going to do and has ceased asking permission for anything.

== > IMPORTANT: There are 2 versions of the Fair Fighting strategy. It sounds like you are using the one in the Printable Version of the eBook. For teenagers, you will want to use the one in the Online Version. Also, if you have not viewed ALL the Instructional Videos in the Online Version – you are missing 60% of the material.

The weekend before my mother came for a visit. Grandmother and granddaughter had a late night conversation where my mother told me that my daughter had told her about the boyfriend and some of what was going on at home as well. My mother revealed to her things from my teenage years. For example, that her father and I were dating, I got pregnant at 16 and had an abortion. She told her some very personal and negative things that I don't think my daughter was emotionally ready to hear right now or for that matter from anyone else but her father and I. Needless to say this gave my daughter additional "ammunition" to "fight" the changes we are trying to implement with her.

1. I wondered if you have any advice on how to handle this?

== > I wouldn’t worry about this one. You’ve got nothing to be ashamed about. The truth about some of your past is out – and that’s o.k.

2. Also, my husband asked how we should respond if she asks us where we are getting these contracts and chore charts? She has been doing some chores to earn an allowance but we liked the idea of implementing the point system. Money, the computer and learning to drive are very important to her right now.

== > Say, “From the internet.” That’s all she needs to know.

We have discovered that we both have been overindulgent with this one as she is our only daughter and the youngest child. Not the best excuse but we are coming to accept our situation these days.

At this moment my husband and I are waiting at home. Our daughter ran away again last night and we just filed a police report. We are looking over your materials so that we are prepared for what to expect when she comes home or is brought home. We haven't finished the 4 weeks yet as we were planning to implement Week 3 assignments. It is very difficult when things are getting worse around. I am trying to find my poker face here, as is my husband. Can you give us some guidance? Thank you.

== > It sounds like you are doing exactly what you should. Can I alleviate your anxiety about the tough work you’re doing? No. Always keep in the back of your mind that you are in the process of developing emotional muscles that you would never have developed otherwise – muscles that will make you stronger …muscles that will help you conquer future problems.

Hunker down – stay tough! The reward will be well worth the effort.


My Out-of-Control Teen

It's OK to Spy on Your Teens!

Hello Mark,

I have successfully (I think) completed your program with my 14-year-old daughter and things are WAY better. It has been a rough two years, and though I’m no fool and know there's more to come, your program has helped me stop what felt like a runaway train.

I have an issue now, which has the potential of causing a riot and need advice. My daughter uses MYSPACE and I know her password as I overheard her tell her cousin last year. I have periodically checked it out to see where she's at in her life. She does not know this, of course. Mostly there is typical teen stuff, comments etc. I should tell you that this winter she had an incident with an older boy (16) she was very in love with. All us mothers forbid them to see each other outside of school do to the age difference, but they got together at a friend's house on the sly and she gave him oral sex which she didn't want to but was afraid to lose him if she didn't. He broke up with her a few days later and needless to say it was a devastating period for her and us.

After many talks and processing, we really felt that she'd matured and learned a really tough lesson. She claimed she was done with boys for a while, felt very used and heartbroken. Well, yesterday when I was snooping, I read an email from a guy (platonic friend) who said he heard she'd kissed a boy's c----. This boy, who is a junior, has a very bad reputation and has solicited her before and she's claimed she doesn't like him, thinks he's ugly, etc. In her e-mail reply to her friend she laughed it off and said how quickly news spreads, and which version did he want to hear, just that she did, or how many times, and something about playdough. I don't know where or when or (exactly what) this happened because we are in the middle of nowhere and would not allow her to be with a guy unsupervised, but it did and I'm a wreck. Another email to a girlfriend said she was very upset because people knew about her and C.

Two questions: WHY is she doing this? He is gross and this is a small town, AND they are all students at our high school where her DAD teaches!!! She is only 14 …she still has braces!! She has a great figure and posts umpteen bikini pics and then tells guys "oh, I don't have a good body". Why is she setting herself up to have a sleezy reputation?

My second question: I don't want to tell her I looked at her emails, but I want to address this, so I thought I'd write an anonymous letter to my husband and me from a "concerned mother" who has supposedly heard the gossip. I know this is lying so badly, but privacy is a huge issue with her, and our relationship tends to tip toward the rocky in a heartbeat, but right now I can't think of any other way to bring it up and I am totally depressed about it.




Hi A.,

== > Re: WHY is she doing this?

Adolescence can be a challenging time for young women. Your daughter’s reactions to the physical and emotional changes occurring during puberty often depend on how she feels about herself. If she has strong self-esteem, she is less likely to engage in socially unacceptable behaviors. While everyone makes mistakes, if she is self-confident she will learn from those mistakes and adapt her behavior, rather than repeating the same mistake again.

Despite an emphasis on equality, boys and girls in modern culture still tend to handle self-esteem issues differently. When teenage boys in our society are faced with a period of low self esteem, they continue on with most of their normal activities: they still take that hard math class, try out for the football team and interact socially with their female counterparts. Young women, on the other hand, react differently when faced with this challenge. They often become indifferent, withdrawn, quiet and depressed.

Several large studies have shown girls aged 8 and 9 are confident, assertive and feel good about themselves. This is probably due to the more mature social interactions and skills that females have developed up to this time, especially when compared to their male contemporaries. Surprisingly, these same girls can emerge at the end of adolescence with a poor self-image, a narrowed view of their future, and less confidence about themselves and their abilities.

What controls the development of a healthy self-esteem in teen girls? According to one study, physical appearance was the most important factor. If they are not attractive (by someone else's standards), many girls feel worthless and helpless. Popular culture floods young girls with images of the ideal female figure, personality, and social skills – all of which are mostly inappropriate and unobtainable. The result is not surprising...in order to maintain this ideal of perfection, girls become obsessed with their physical appearance. The extreme reaction in some unfortunate girls is a dependence on diet pills and the development of eating disorders. Young women see movie stars or situation comedy characters as models on which to shape their social interactions. Unfortunately, the behaviors of these "role models" are often biased toward the disrespectful and promiscuous.

Another factor that can lower some teenage girls’ self esteem is the loss of community. We used to live in towns where everyone knew each other. Now 72 percent of Americans don't even know their neighbors. Other changes in our society, such as divorce, drugs, and alcohol, seem to have negatively affected teen girls even more than boys.

It is therefore easy to understand why many teenage girls are more concerned about impressing or pleasing others – especially boys -- rather than themselves.

== > Re: I don't want to tell her I looked at her emails…

It's OK to Spy on Your Teens! When protecting their teens from internet predators or unsafe behavior, the first step for mothers is to get over their fear of monitoring them. Mothers must learn how to monitor internet activity. It is a mother's job to protect their teens and foster a healthy, safe lifestyle. It is a mother's job to watch over them and be there to correct potential bad decisions that are all too common in a teenager's life.

Different mothers may choose different degrees of monitoring, but all mothers need to deploy some strategy to monitor online behavior. What level of monitoring a mother may choose will depend on the mother, the teenager, and the relationship. One thing should be clear, it is OK to monitor your teens. If you feel uneasy about this or you think it is wrong to monitor myspace activity for example, you may some day regret it.

First, Have the Right Discussion about Internet Safety. Regardless of what level of online internet monitoring you choose, one tactic should be executed first: talk with your teen. Maybe you have, but did you say the right thing? You want to understand their level of knowledge about internet predators. Make the conversation casual… try to blend in to it from another similar topic so the teenager does not feel they are being lectured.

Determine whether they are naive to internet danger or not. This will help you plan your strategy. Ask them if they meet new people online or just communicate with existing friends. Ask if they are aware of cases where teens were put in danger from meeting people online. Ask if they are aware that the people they meet may not be the age or sex they say they are. There is no reason not to instill a little bit of fear. Fear is the body's natural protection system. Keep this in mind when talking with your teen.

Why Would You Spy? There are two basic things a mother needs to protect her teenager from on the internet: predators and bad behavior. The first one is obvious. The second one is not so much caused by the internet, but is divulged through the teen's use of the internet. You may not know that your teenager is engaged in sex, drinking, or drugs, but chances are you can find out through their MySpace pages. The teen may post blatant photos, or the content may be cryptic and difficult for a mother to understand.

Remember, it is a mother’s job to watch over her teens and protect them. Teens, by nature, do make bad decisions. Straight "A" students heavily active in sports and study have become victims. Why? Because they just didn't realize that what they were posting online intrigued a predator. They weren't aware that that predator could "connect the dots" to determine where the teen lived, worked, and played.

Two Effective Spying Techniques for Mothers:

1. LOW LEVEL: MySpace Internet Monitoring –

This strategy for MySpace safety is geared toward mothers that are quite sure they have an honest and open relationship with their teenager. The mothers are sure that their teen would not hide anything from them and would be open to sharing their online activity with them.

Caveat: Mothers, whether they can admit it or not, are usually gullible to this scenario. It feels good to think that you have this type of relationship with your teen, but all too often you don't. The teen may be a great kid that does little wrong, but remember that most teens that get into trouble were once good teens.

Low Level Monitoring is a strategy for mothers that are very confident they have a completely open relationship with their teenager MySpace user. They are sure that the teen will be open to letting the mother partake in their online experience. Keep in mind that most mothers are gullible about this. Also keep in mind that most teens that begin to make bad decisions (drinking, sex, drugs, other crime) started off as good teens. That being said, a good kid that starts to stray would most likely create a new MySpace profile that their mothers do not know about. Teens do stray, it's a reality.

Step One: Have the Introduction Talk-- Let your teenager know you are interested in their online pages and would like to participate. Tell them that part of your interest is to help keep them safe from internet predators. For Low Level Monitoring, it is not necessary to go into anything concerning watching them for bad behavior because you should be confident such behavior does not exist.

Tell them you would like their help setting up your own MySpace account so you can become their "friend" and exchange online information. Even if you know how to setup the account or feel comfortable doing so with the instruction link above, you should let them help you. It gives them a sense of purpose and you can also get some queues as to how they may have setup their account (this is an import part of keeping your teenager safe and is the topic of Step Two.)

Here are some bullets to review with your teenager:

  • Ask them about their photos and make sure they understand why they must pay very close attention to the photos they post. Be sure that there are no identifiable objects or things that may zero in on a location (high school info, license plate, street signs, etc). Also be sure your teenager's MySpace photos are not in any way sexually suggestive.
  • MySpace is for exchanging information with friends you already have, not a place for meeting new friends. If they do meet someone through MySpace, they should treat them much differently, not sharing any personal information or anything that may divulge where they live, go to school, or work.
  • Never post information that can be used to find you: real name, school, job location, address, telephone number, local sports teams, clubs you belong to, or favorite shopping places that may be unique to your area. Teens may claim that some of the info is kept private or only viewable in the MySpace setup. Please remember that there are people out there that are quite savvy and can find their way into this info.

Step Two: Review How Your Teenager's Account is Setup-- Part of step one was allowing your teenager to help setup your own MySpace account. This is important because it is a lead-in to you "naturally" discovering some things that may be of concern (if they exist, of course). We will go through those issues next but let me give you an example first:

I is not a good idea to put your real hometown or High School into MySpace. The reason is this acts as a great location and time-spent piece of information for potential predators. There is no real reason to have this information available to the MySpace public. Your teenager should be sharing information on MySpace with friends they already know, who already know where they live and where they go to school. When setting up your account with your teenager, the lead-in is "hey, this might be a bad idea because of such and such, let's review your setup for other problems..." Review the teenager's Account Settings as follows:

Login and click the "Home" link. Next click on "Account Settings". Take note of the following:

Privacy Settings: Click on Privacy Settings and take note of the following MySpace privacy settings (they are all important, but these are critical):

  • check "Require email or last name to add me as a friend." This makes sure that people that become your teenager's friend actually know your teenager or at least have been screened and accepted by them.
  • check "Friends Only Blog Comments" to avoid some stranger posting obscenities to your teenager's blog
  • check "My Friends Only" under Who Can View My Full Profile to ensure that your teenager's profile is only viewed by people they want to view it.

IM Privacy Settings: If your teenager IMs (Instant Messages) you should change this setting to "Only Friends Can IM Me"

Step Three: Review Your Teenager's Entire Site-- You may want to do this one on your own time when your teenager is not around because you'll want to closely analyze content for the above mentioned issues (location, sexual, contact info, etc.)

Now that you are a MySpace friend to your teenager you can simply login to your MySpace account and click on your teenager's profile in your "friends" section. When you get to your teenager's profile, take a close look at the following items which all have links from the main page:

· "More Photos" link under the main upper left photo. Examine all photos your teenager has posted.

· "Videos" link: review all videos for potentially dangerous content.

· "Blog" link: review all blog entries for anything too revealing (as discussed above)

The "Friends Section" In the lower right will be your teenager's friends. You should see your photo or link in this section if they have made you their friend. Read the comments from your teenager's friends. Also, go to each of their sites and review their profiles. Remember, at this point (in your teenager's friend's profile) this info is open to anyone. You are just another web surfer looking at your teenager's friend's profile. If they have the "Friends Only" privacy setting set, you will be very limited as to what you can see since they didn't add you as a MySpace "friend."

Step Four: Monitor Your Teenager's Site and Participate-- Remember that a teen's life changes like the seasons. Their interests change, fads change, new friends come and go, etc. It is important that you check up on the content of your teenager's site regularly. Even better, participate a bit by posting comments to their blog, uploading pictures, etc. It will be good for your teenager's online safety and good for your relationship.

2. HIGH LEVEL: MySpace Spying –

The high level strategy is for those mothers that are in one or more of the following situations:

  • The teen is suspected of bad behavior, such as drug use, drinking or sex
  • The teenager has been in situations in the past that involve dishonesty (so even if they allow the mothers to see a MySpace profile, it may not be their only MySpace profile)
  • Their teenager is hiding the fact that they have a MySpace profile
  • Their teenager will not allow them to see their MySpace profile

Warning: Always read and abide by the MySpace terms of service agreement.

You have emailed me because you are a concerned mother taking the proper steps to protect your teen(s) on and off the internet. As a mother, it is your job to protect your teens. The consequences of not doing so are far too bad to even fool around in this arena. If you feel that you've already tried the below spying techniques to find and watch your teenager's MySpace activity with no success, you may need to use stealth strategies.

In order to successfully spy on your teens MySpace activity, you should first attempt the low level monitoring..

Assuming low level will not or did not work, let’s get on to spying strategies. First you need to be familiar with how to setup a MySpace account.

Setup a MySpace account, but do not use any information that will identify who you are. Disguise everything, even your real name. Always be thinking that your teen may be searching MySpace to see if you're out there!

Now you have the ability to easily search and browse your way around. The first step to take is to begin to search for your teen by name.

Note that this menu will not look the same in every profile. Users often customize them to change the look and feel of their page. The link content itself will still be there, you may just have to look a little harder if you're on someone else's page.

Click on the third choice from the left, "search". Here is a description of each of your search choices:

· Find a Friend: Here you can search for someone's name, email address, or display name.

· Find Your Classmate: For searching by school, if the account holder decided to enter school information!

· Search MySpace Profiles: This is basically a keyword search like you use in search engines. It will search in MySpace profiles for the term(s) you enter. Contrary to a very popular book on how to use MySpace (where you pay for the same information you're reading here for free!), this field can be very useful for locating someone. I'll discuss below.

Start your quest with searching by your teenager's full name. Unless the name is unique, you'll probably get multiple returns. Browse through the names and see if you get lucky and come across your teen.

If you do find your teen, remember that the reason you are here is because you suspect they have the potential to hide things from you. They may setup a "perfect kid" profile with all the info that would make them easy to find. This "bluff" site is setup for you: the naive mother. Don't be naive, get the right knowledge and go into stealth mode!

If you had no luck with the real name, next it's time to try email addresses. Remember, email addresses are as easy to setup as MySpace accounts and you may not be familiar with all of your teenager's email addresses. One way to search for hidden emails is to go to Yahoo.com and click on "People Search". Fill out the form to search for your teenager and then choose to look for email addresses.

Remember there should always be a school address - if you don't know your teenager's then go to the schools web site and look for contact information. Find anyone's email and note the format used: firstname_lastname@school.edu or firstinitial_lastname@school.edu etc. - use this format to back into your teenager's potential address.

With as many email addresses you can find search the email field under "find a friend."

Next, try the school field. This will probably result in a lot of profiles. When you have a list of profiles, look for your teen as well as their real life friends! More than likely their friend's profile has a link to your teen and you may even see a photo of your teen on the friend's profile to bring you right to where you want to be!

OK, so name and email did not work? Next step: search for friends. Make a list of all the teens your teen pals around with and do the same searches mentioned above but for their names and/or email addresses (you already looked for them in school). Remember to try the school email method mentioned above since you probably don't normally correspond via email with your teen's friends.

If still no luck you need to dig a little deeper. Using the keyword search box at the top of the search page, start looking for nick names. Do your teen's friends call him or her by a nick name such as Big Al or just your last name? Try those terms in the keyword search toolbox.

If you haven't found your kid yet, but you are quite sure they have a MySpace profile, then it's time for more advanced techniques.

If you have found your kid, then it's time to determine what is going on in their secret MySpace life.


My Out-of-Control Teen

He then grabbed me very hard by the arms, pushed me down on my bed and held me there...

Hi Mark,

It's odd to me that just after I emailed you for the certificate, we had a meltdown here in our house. Things have been going so smoothly for several months, and now this happened. I hope you have time to read this.

Please tell me if you have any pointers for this matter. Here is the story...my son, D, 15 years old, has a history of sometimes, not each time, physically attacking me when he is in one of his rages. Tonight, we were having a pleasant conversation, enjoying each other's company. Somehow, it turned sour when he continued on some trivial topic I can't even remember now. I told him to leave my room over an over again. At first we were just playing around, but he kept being very, very annoying. I told him about 3 times to leave, and I then said, if you don't leave my room, you will need to give me your phone. He still didn't leave, so I said, ok, give me your phone. He then just snapped. He began freaking out, screaming and yelling at me. I told him to go in his room and settle down and then we would discuss this, but he kept screaming and yelling. I closed and locked my door, and he banged on it for about 5 minutes. I decided I needed to leave the house till he calmed down. I opened the door and he wouldn't let me leave. He then grabbed me very hard by the arms, pushed me down on my bed and held me there. He even said "you know what I could do to you?" I stayed as calm as I could, no yelling, got up and he then kept throwing a bundle of socks at me, (I know the socks sound silly, but he threw them at me pretty hard over and over again) and then, somehow, he then left my room. He then got quiet and went to his room like I had told him to do before.

Anyway, the last time he touched me like this I told him I would call the police if he did it again. I did call the police (not 911, just the precinct #). All the years we have had problems with D, we have threatened but never called them, until now of course, since we have been doing this program - no half measures!!!!!!.

By the way, my husband is out of town this weekend, so it was just me tonight.

When the police came, about 45 minutes later, I told them what happened and that I just wanted them to talk to him. They told me that if I wanted them to take him in, it would be a serious arrest, overnight at juvenile court, appear in front of the judge, go on his permanent record, but I said this time just a talk. So they came inside, cuffed him, and sat him down and had a pretty scary talk (it made me very sad to see them cuff him, and tears came to his eyes, nothing like this has ever happened in our home before). He was obviously nervous, but also smirking a bit - I think that was just out of nervousness. After all that, after they left, I sat down with him, very straight faced, and went thru the steps of "When someone attacks me it scares me, I know you did it cause you were mad and that is how you showed your emotions," etc.

Mark, my problem now is this. If I have to call them again, I told D I would have them actually take him in if he attacks me again. I am really concerned though, that he would touch me like that. Other than these steps of the program, do you have any suggestions as to how to help him with this particular problem? We do not have a history of physical abuse anywhere in our family that I know about, my husband and I do not at all physically hurt each other. I don't know where this comes from or why he shows his anger that way. I am afraid for him for his future, and if he does this to me, what will he do to a future girlfriend or wife - it makes me sick to my stomach to even think that way, but I know he's done it to me. I want desperately to help him. He is only 15, am I being over reactive?? I feel this program will work for lots of things, but what do you think about this issue? I feel that something is missing and that I am searching for an answer and some help for my son and I'm not sure where to look. Am I in the right place, do you have any other help for this?

Ok, whenever you get a chance, I would truly appreciate your help. Thanks so, so much.



Hi S.,

Re: ...this time just a talk. As I was reading your email, I was beginning to get impressed with the way you handled this situation – UNTIL you told the police that you “just wanted them to talk” to your son.

This is a domestic battery case for crying out loud! I’m going to be totally honest with you here:

(1) You slipped back into over-indulgence in a major way, and

(2) The “talk” from police was a joke. Fear-based motivation (which is what happened with the “talk”) will NOT have any longevity or lasting benefit– I promise.

Yes… you should include authorities, but only so they can make a report to send to Juvenile Probation – that’s all you need the cops for, because without a formal complaint from you, probation’s hands are tied and they cannot proceed with handling the matter in court.

Re: Other than these steps of the program, do you have any suggestions as to how to help him with this particular problem?

Yes. Follow the program as intended. You’ve told your son that you will have police take him the next time he batters you. If you choose NOT to call the police and have your son experience the full negative consequences associated with his poor choice to batter, you will also choose to continue to be on the receiving end of such abuse.

Do you really want your son to grow up with the notion that battery against women has few consequences? I would say that his future wife would not be so tolerant of such abuse.

Re: …am I being over reactive?? I hope you know the answer to this one!

Having said all this, you are doing a remarkable job overall.

Stay the course. Know that these set backs are normal. Understand that this incident was truly just a “setback” – not a major “catastrophe.” And perhaps most importantly, reward yourself for your successes – big and small – rather than focusing on the setbacks.

Thank you for requesting your certificate. YOU DESERVE IT. Do not think otherwise. I’ve sent it to you as an attachment in this email.

You are a good mother as well as a good student. Wise individuals never believe they are so smart that they cannot benefit from ongoing instruction in the areas of their life that could use some readjusting.


My Out-of-Control Teen

My son is in juvenile detention as we speak...

HI Mark,

My son is in juvenile detention as we speak, He is calling me constantly to get him out. We had a court appearance last Friday and the judge is keeping him the rest of this week. My son is pleading with me to bond him out, it is tearing at my heart strings. I do not want to go against the judge, he will be in there a total of 2 weeks due to drugs. He is charged with possession of drug paraphernalia a misdemeanor right now. I do not think I should bond him out, he is due to go in front of judge this Friday …any helpful advice would be appreciated. I believe that he has learned his lesson but these are his consequences, do I help him get out?



Hi M.,

Re: … do I help him get out?

No. You shouldn’t try to save him from uncomfortable emotions associated with his poor choices. Over-indulgent parents DO try to save their children from consequences – which is a huge mistake.

Having said this, in Indiana (where I reside), juveniles do NOT have the right to bond out. The same may be true in your area.


My Out-of-Control Teen

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