My Out-of-Control Teen


You're selling yourself short. You really should be charging much more for your services. I've had 2 phone consultations with you, plus several email consults ...not to mention access to your website and the eBook. Before joining Online Parent Support, I had searched everywhere for info on ODD and ADHD, but could not find anything close to what you offer. Why are you doing this so cheap?



Hi M.,

If I remember correctly, you live in the U.S. And 19 bucks is not a whole lot of money to those of us who live in the States. But keep in mind that "My Out-of-Control Teen" eBook sells all over the world -- Central America, South America, Caribbean, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Melanesia, Asia, Africa ...and so on.

$19 is a lot of money for most people outside the U.S. If I raised the price to $29 or above, too many people simply would not be able to afford it.

Hope this answers your question.


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