Hi Mark,
Just wanted to thank you for this web site, it pretty much saved my relationship with my 16 year old son. We went from arguing, fighting and a final physical confrontation to him giving me a hug and telling me he loves me every morning before he leaves for school. It's been a year since our last argument. You're my hero!
Lee Michaelis, DDS
Online Parent Support
Is your teenager suffering with ODD? Take this quiz to find out:
Oppositional Defiant Disorder Quiz: Is your teenager suffering with ODD? This quiz is designed to help parents understand some behaviors tha...
Here's an email from a mother whose 17-year-old son is "on the run." He has a drug habit, and is basically floating from one l...
Teen: “Hey mom. I’m spending the night here at Sarah’s.” Mother: “No you’re not. I told you to be home by 11:00 PM.” Teen: “But ...
It may be difficult to get your teenage daughter or son to follow house rules in the beginning. One thing about house rules is to let ev...